Dizzy Collection
Code Masters Ltd
Crash Issue 89, Jun 1991   page(s) 33


What's the best way to catch up on all the great games that appeared on the Spectrum a while back. One: go out and buy every single one and spend a fortune? Tow: pop around to your mate's house and nick his copies? Or three: take a trip down to your local software shop and snap up one of the great new compilations? Well, one's only for the stupid, two's only for complete basts, so it must be three! NICK ROBERTS gives you the low-down on the current hits in compilation land!

Code Masters

Here's a compilation packed full of eggyness! Many people have played one or two of the Dizzy adventures but in the Dizzy Collection you get five of his best romps in one big box!

What makes the Dizzy games so special? Well, playing each adventure is like stepping into a cartoon. They all have excellent graphics and animation and the puzzles are pretty simple, though you'll probably be stumped a few times. Four of the games in the collection are arcade adventures and Fast Food is a Pac-man-style arcade romp.

The Dizzy Collection is a must for anyone who hasn't seen all of the little egg's games. Full of yolky goodness!

Dizzy: 18/20
Treasure Island Dizzy: 19/20
Fantasy World Dizzy: 18/20
Magicland Dizzy: 19/20
Fast Food: 16/20

REVIEW BY: Nick Roberts

Award: Crash Smash

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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