Birds of Britain
by Keith Pirie
Teachers Pet Software
Crash Issue 56, Sep 1988   page(s) 108


This month CRASH Course winds its educational way over the latest offerings from two of the smaller software houses. Now it's over to that media megastar of The Highlands, the one and only Rosetta McLeod...

Teachers Pet Software originally started as a mail order supplier in May 1987. They drew their inspiration from ideas suggested to them from the schools in their area. TPS make a point of writing all their programs in BASIC - allowing their products to be examined and modified for specific uses. All the software is available on cassette or microdrive cartridge and each program costs £3.50, or £15.00 for a pack of five (a media conversion service is also available). Teacher's Pet are keen to hear from teachers or parents who have suggestions of subjects for new programs. You can contact Teachers Pet Software at 175 Craigton Road, Aberdeen AB1 7UA.


Birds of Britain teaches bird recognition for the 8-12 age group. From a number of clues, the user has to identify one of thirty birds. The user might be given the information 'I live beside farms. For 5 points, what am I?'. If a wrong answer is given, another piece of information is revealed: 'I nest in trees, holes and chimneys'. Five tries are allowed before the answer, in this case tawny owl, is displayed. Birds Of Britain is a program which will slot into the curriculum of every primary school. Its only deficiency is in the graphical department - no illustrations at all!

Bird Spotter is also available. It basically runs along the lines of a word search using bird names.

REVIEW BY: Rosetta McLeod

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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