Figaro II
Saxon Computing
ZX Computing Issue 9, Oct 1983   page(s) 75

At least, someone has answered my prayers. A program which is not only useful, but has good documentation and loads as well!

Figaro II is described as being a numeric database (although I would tend to call it a statistics projection program). For example, it can project next year's sales based on the sales figures for the year preceding.

Of course, there is more to it than that - Figaro II seems to do everything for the statistician. The documentation for this program is simply excellent, though I must say a few words about its cover. It is a fancy design comprising a lot of black lines that make your head spin!

Once inside the manual, however, the introduction soothes your aching eyes with an explanation of the program - how user friendly it is and what its limits are. Figaro II's system of analysis is based on a series of numbers such as sales figures for a shop for each month in a two year period. Each period (an individual number in a series) has a three character label for use in graphs (eg Jan, Feb, Mar, etc) and has a 10 character label for use in other circumstances.

The manual takes you through an example program before unleashing you on the program proper. To appreciate the flexibility of Figaro II at its full potential you'd probably have to be an Oxford mathematician, but luckily for us to use the program you do not. You can plot line graphs, bar charts, averages and a number of other statistical devices. A summary of all its features is given in the back of the manual. Also in the manual, they sensibly advise you to make a security copy and clearly explain how this is done.

This program has been well thought out and is a genuine serious applications package for the 48K ZX Spectrum. Figaro II is priced at £14.95.

REVIEW BY: Paul Homes

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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