Crash Issue 50, Mar 1988   page(s) 73

Scetlander's novel ideas include house-building, travel-agent, wildlife and road-safety packages - as well as traditional subjects like maths and biology.


Launched recently, Scetlander takes the first four letters of its name from the Scottish Council For Educational Technology, which now produces packages for all age groups. The come with comprehensive documentation.

The catalogue is available from Scetlander Ltd, 74 Victoria Crescent Road, Glasgow G12 9JN.


Price: £12.50
Age Range: 10-year-olds

Housebuilder simulates the role of a small builder in making decisions about the choice, pricing and siting of houses. The pupil has to examine the site (four are available), choose the types of house to be built from eight possible designs, and decide whether to let or sell the houses. If a house is to be sold, obviously, a price has to be fixed.

A good many factors must be assessed in this house-building exercise. Early in the proceedings, tinier one has to decide what sort of social mix is going to be created on the new estates.


This package is an extremely flexible resource for the teacher, and integrates usefully into an area normally covered in the upper primary.

REVIEW BY: Rosetta McLeod

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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