Image Systems
ZX Computing Issue 10, Dec 1983   page(s) 20


A look at some 'serious' software packages for the ZX Spectrum by Peter Shaw.

16/48K Spectrum
Image Systems

This program, as the literature supplied with the cassette says, 'For the first time ever, allows the user an instant choice of six specially designed fonts'. Well, I would hardly call it 'instant' as the code has to be loaded from tape - but the six fonts included are quite well designed.

The six sets include 'Extended Bold', which also has a full lower case set, and can be used as an alternative to the Sinclair set. This, the instructions say, 'demonstrates that true descenders are possible on the Sinclair.' The other sets are 'Modern', a square typeface which will match most applications; 'Serif', a classical, formal serif style; 'Lodestone' - similar in style to that used in the Quicksilva's 'Time Gate' - a computer style (although I know of no computer which uses it); and 'Standard Bold'. This last style is one of my favourites (the other is 'Serif') - it is chunky and very neat. It is quite readable and has many applications. The last set, 'Greek', can only really be used for equations, etc. I think this package would have been greatly complimented by including different styles like 'Script' or 'Gothic', but the six provided make for a useful collection.

All six sets can be stored in the computer at the same time and can be called by two POKEs. The demonstration cassette unfortunately didn't work - a CLEAR command had been omitted which made the Spectrum crash (but I'm sure this will be remedied on commercial versions). After a few adjustments I got the program to work, and then converted it easily to the ZX Microdrives. It is very pleasing to program in such an elegant typestyle, but perhaps £4.95 is just a little much for the luxury.

Image Systems, 185 Elm Road, New Maiden, Surrey KT 3HX. Tel: 01-942 7138.

REVIEW BY: Peter Shaw

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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