Posh List
Deltarho Software
Sinclair User Issue 53, Aug 1986   page(s) 100

Label: Deltarho, 12 Ennersdale Road, Lewsham, London
Price: £2.95
Memory: 48K/128K
Reviewer: John Gilbert

Program listings can be a pain to debug because of the length and general clutter of program lines.

The solution, from Deltarho Software, is simple but neat. Posh List is a short machine-code utility which puts each statement in a Basic program onto a separate line, highlights Rem statements and changes strings from lower to uppercase.

I put the routine in the 100 spare Ram bytes starting at 32500, but it is fully relocatable. Once loaded just type Rand User and the start address.

Rems are treated in two ways by the utility. The routine normally highlights the command in white on black. You can, however, put an underline mark after Rem which omits the command but keeps the comment which follows.

The only criticism I have of this superb little utility is the photocopied manual. It doesn't give a user-friendly introduction to Posh List usage.

REVIEW BY: John Gilbert

Summary: Transforms dull Basic listing into neatly tabulated work of art. Easy to work with, it's a budget bargain.

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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