Domark Ltd
Crash Issue 95, Jan 1992   page(s) 60

£14.99 cass

The follow up to the Heroes compilation is finally here! Superheroes (how original!) Includes four games: Last Ninja 2, The Spy Who Loved Me, Strider II and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

Last Ninja 2 takes place in modern day America, our hero, Armakuni, thrown forward in time by his arch-nemesis, Shogun Kunitoki. Now Armakuni, the last of the ninja, must battle his way through downtown Manhattan for the final showdown with Kunitoki. But Kunitoki's henchmen have murder on their minds so Armakuni had better find a weapon pretty damn pronto!

The Spy Who Loved Me is based on the James Bond movie of the same name. 007 and Anya Amasova (also known as Agent Triple X) are investigating arch-baddy Karl Stromberg. Two nuclear submarines have been nicked - all Stromberg's doing, of course - and its up to Bond to prove it. As always, a comes up with a range of gadgets to help out, including machine guns, missile launchers, smoke guns and the good old submarine car.

Strider 2 is more swashbuckling fun as our springy-legged pal sets out on an important mission to the planet Magneta. He has to save the world leader, but this isn't some old fogie in a bath chair, it's a very attractive woman (hurrah! - Ed). So with plasma sword and a couple of new weapons in hand (gyro laser and matter converter, to be precise), Strider sets out to fight for truth, justice and a luscious damsel in distress.

And finally, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade follows in the footsteps of Harrison Ford's fedora-hatted hero. Indy has to explore four levels, collecting artefacts from each. But in his way are an array of Nazi troops who, like Indy, are after the legendary Holy Grail.

The Superheroes package is quite a pleasant surprise, the only dud being Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. The rest of the titles are all very playable and individually would still be worthy of full price status. Unless you already own some of the games in this pack, you could do far worse than buy Superheroes.

REVIEW BY: Mark Caswell

Transcript by Chris Bourne

Your Sinclair Issue 74, Feb 1992   page(s) 58,59


For keeping out the radish patch, YS can offer the best in re-released software as a generous consolation...

£14.99 cass
Reviewer: Jon Pillar

Oh, blimey. This is a compilation, and it features four superheroes. Um... (They've been brought together for the first time in one pack and the question on everyone's lips is, will they burst out and explode into action, or just make their excuses and go home on the bus? Ed). Gosh, thanks Mighty intro Man. (Just in the nick of time.)


Dress in black and lurk behind trees as you play a sinister assassin with severe personality problems. In the game that was a hair-breadth away from being called The Last-Ninja-Apart-From-This-One-And-Possibly-A-Few-Others-Of-Course, you've been transported to modern-day New York and have to scurry around, bashing villains and solving extremely well-designed puzzles. The 3D graphics are sharper than a bucket of razors and the clever, addictive gameplay is only slightly spoiled by the amazingly tricky controls. Tough, but fun.


More of the same from the Lionel Blair of Speccydom, as Strider leaps, springs and somersaults his way through five alien-packed levels. There's a bit of colour, snazzy graphics, and this time ol' rubber limbs twirls both a sword and a laser pistol. Playable stuff, though it's not as hot as it should have been, and a let-down when compared to the original.


A clone of the rather-James-Bondish-anyway Spy Hunter, The Spy Who Loved Me is far more polished than its predecessor. It adds to the formula such things as narrower, twistier roads, a wider range of power-ups and pedestrians. Unfortunately, all the extra features piled on top of the basic shoot-'em-up idea sort of swamp the game itself. Fair, but not a patch on the wrinkly original in terms of playability.


A spanking arcade-adventure with tasty graphics, this was covered as a re-release in issue 71. I wrote the review then and I can't be bothered to say it all again. I still like it a lot, in fact, I've got onto level three since, so I'll give it an extra degree!

Not an overly inspiring compilation. Strider 2 is disappointing, and Spy knocks the overall rating down quite a bit. Only for those who don't have any of the games already, methinks.

REVIEW BY: Jon Pillar

Transcript by Chris Bourne

Sinclair User Issue 119, Jan 1992   page(s) 27

Label: Domark
Memory: 48K/128K
Price: £14.99 Tape
Reviewer: Big Al Dykes

There's nothing people like more than a hero and Super Heroes is packed with them.

The Spy Who Loved Me last month in the Bond compilation and now it's available on Super Heroes where you get a chance to compare Bondy with three other lean, mean fighting machines. The game itself involves action on land, sea and air and although the playability and graphics aren't stunning, the game has lots of variety.

Strider 2 also appears on the Capcom collection and I haven't changed my opinion of it, despite having several cold showers in the meantime. It's a worth follow-up to the original game with oodles of playability, power-ups and some nice graphic backgrounds.

The hero is back in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and is an amazingly accurate and atmospheric game and probably the best of the Indy series, featuring good rope swinging, whip crackin' action and cute realistic graphics. A fun game whose only real fault is the frustratingly difficult playability.

Last Ninja 2 is based around Japanese feudal warriors, the last of whom must defend their honour. The game is part puzzle and part beat 'em up and excellent graphics and gameplay make it a fine addition to a fine compilation. Super Heroes isn't a quantity compilation, but what is there is quality and promises lots of enjoyment.

GARTH: It's sad but most bods will look at the quantity of games on Super Heroes and not the quality of the product.

REVIEW BY: Alan Dykes

Summary: Not a very big collection by comparison with some others on offer this Christmas nevertheless it does have lots of action and adventure and unlike the larger packages there are no really naff games on board.

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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