Super Sim Pack
U.S. Gold Ltd
Crash Issue 93, Oct 1991   page(s) 64

Variety is the spice of life and that's certainly what you get with this little lot as you hobnob with the tennis greats, wring out your hanky for world cup action, zoom around in go-fast cars or get bullets in your bottie in a shoot-out bonanza. Here's Mark Caswell with a full run down...

US Gold

'A combination of the very best in sports, driving and airborne action', for so it says in the blurb). There are four games in this compilation: International 3D Tennis, Italy 1990, Crazy Cars II and Airborne Ranger.

International 3-D Tennis is a one or two player game with the tennis court and players shown in wire framed graphics. It takes a while to get used to the stick-like figures as they leap around after the ball, but if you enjoy tennis sims, this is certainly one of the best around.

Italy 1990 was US Gold's offering for last year's World Cup. To kick off (pardon the pun), choose whether to play against the computer or a mate. The match is a bird's eye view affair with the controlled player denoted by an arrow. The computer decides the player to hoof the ball to, and there's corners, penalties and goal kicks to take.


Crazy Cars II's a sort of up-market Mad Max with you at the wheel of a Ferrari, bringing various four-wheeled villains to book at breakneck speeds. But catching criminals isn't your only problem - the local rozzers don't appreciate someone screeching along their highways at suicidal speeds, so they're on your back as well.

The smooth scrolling backdrops are impressive, as are the whopping playing areas and the wonderfully detailed car sprites as they speed across the country. If this is what driving a real Ferrari is like I'd better start saving!


And finally, in Airborne Ranger you're part of America's elite fighting forces: the Airborne Rangers (quelle surprise). Twelve missions are on offer, over three different terrains: Temperate, Desert and Arctic. Here men are real men who get their asses riddled with bullets (Another example of Mark's warped view of the human race - Ed).

Each mission is viewed from above, and although some are stealth orientated, many are stomp in and shoot anything that moves affairs, although stealth on even the most 'gung ho' mission is a good idea. Both in the graphic and playability stakes Airborne Ranger is a darn good game.

MARK [80%]

A very mixed pack this one but certainly four fine games. Italy 1990 was definitely one of the best soccer games of last year -the action's fast and it's instantly playable. International 3D Tennis is a good tennis sim, if a bit odd to get to grips with. The wire-frame graphics certainly don't look up to much at first, but their movement is very good, as is the playability of the game as a whole (if you're into tennis, of course). Crazy Cars II is far better than the original Crazy Cars, so don't be put off by the name. Playable and entertaining but, at the end of the day, it can seem like 'just another' driving game. Airborne Ranger, is neat, if a bit old looking these days, but plays well. Not one game really shines from the pack but as a bundle it's a good buy.
RICH [80%]

REVIEW BY: Mark Caswell, Richard Eddy

Summary: Individually average thrills compiled into a worthwhile job lot.

Transcript by Chris Bourne

Your Sinclair Issue 72, Dec 1991   page(s) 69


We've got compilations coming out of our ears this month! (And nearly as many reviewers!) So come on baby, let's go!

US Gold
£16.99 cass
Reviewer: Rich Pelley

Temporarily flicking over the television previously tuned into my Speccy, I see that Give Us A Clue is on - which gives me a great idea: turn it off immediately, and get on with the review. I can't stand Lionel Blair.


A game of the run-around-shooting-people mould, but quite why it is included on a simulation pack is beyond me. It's not even particularly good - the monochrome graphics are unduly rubbish and it all looks highly dated. Not a good start.


Feel free to slap my naked ankles with a stick of wet celery if I'm wrong, but I'm vaguely sure that 3D Tennis sees the first appearance of vector graphics outside of a shoot-em-up. Both players are animated triangles and the court can be viewed from a number of perspectives. It sounds novel, but in truth it only serves to slow things down and complicates matters. Despite this, it's still a lot better than the majority of its counterparts.


An Outrun-style race-'em-up which still looks and plays great. You can actually chose the route you take and what scenery you pass. It's way better than its prequel, and Outrun for that matter. Good enough to make up for the severe crapness of Airborne Ranger.

ITALY 1990

The Speccy has got footie games coming out of its ear port, and although Italy 90 is pretty good, it's definitely not la creme de la creme. Its main problem is the fact that it becomes a tad confusing. The sprites merge together, and sometimes you can get lost (!) on the pitch. But it's beautifully presented, which is some compensation.

And that is what you get in the (thankfully completely Lionel Blair-free) Super Sim Pack. You can't complain really, can you?

REVIEW BY: Rich Pelley

Transcript by Chris Bourne

Sinclair User Issue 119, Jan 1992   page(s) 38

Label: US Gold
Memory: 48K/128K
Price: £14.99 Tape
Reviewer: Big Al Dykes

Anyone for tennis? Anyone for football? Anyone for a spot of combat action with the special forces? Three sports simulations and a military one, a strange combination maybe but one which is bound to attract aficionados of the genre.

International 3D Tennis was quite a popular release back in June 1990, however the monochrome 3D graphics didn't suit everyone. It's a realistic tennis game even if the players aren't and the amount of options available for one and two players, difficulty versus the computer etc, makes it an above average sim.

Italy 1990 was released in the midst of world cup fever last year and succeeded in being one of the best of a generally mediocre bunch of footie sims. Reasonable graphics and very impressive speed resulted in somewhat difficult gameplay but overall this game was quite a star.

Car racing games are popular in compilations this Christmas but unfortunately Crazy Cars 2 won't turn too many crankshafts. It's fast monochrome graphics enhance speed realism but don't really impress on the beautiful scenery front. Lots of vroom vroom less hurrah hurrah.

Airborne Ranger is an unusual simulation. Combined joystick and keyboard control makes it difficult to play at first and even when you figure it out it doesn't make much sense. Guns and Ammo readers or Sylvester Stallone fans might have fun with this game but the matchstick marine action didn't really do anything for me. There are plenty of mission options though.

The sports sims included here are worth a look at though don't go spending your life savings on them. Airborne Ranger is a little disappointing.

I would really only recommend Super Sim Pack to those who already know these games and desperately want them.

Italy 1990 was one of the better footie sims of last summer and 3D Tennis, although a little complicated and slow looks good too. The other games featured leave a lot to be desired though.

REVIEW BY: Alan Dykes

Summary: An average compilation with some fine simulations if you're into that sort of thing. Italy 1990 and Pro Tennis Sim are the best titles available here.

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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