Thrill Time Gold 1
Elite Systems Ltd
Sinclair User Issue 95, Feb 1990   page(s) 75



PAPERBOY: Decent conversion of the wild n' wacky hit newspaper delivery coin-op.

GHOSTS N' GOBLINS: Superb scrolling platform game/shoot 'em up - still one of the best.

BOMBJACK: Another great conversion - very addictive.

TURBO ESPRIT: Brilliant whizz-about-the-streets-and-smash-cars game.

BATTY: Ordinary Breakout game.

Summary: All titles on this compilation are available on budget. If you like all the games - and Bombjack, Turbo Esprit and Ghosts 'n' Goblins are particularly good - it might be worth buying this. Otherwise buy your favourites separately.

Transcript by Chris Bourne

C&VG (Computer & Video Games) Issue 97, Dec 1989   page(s) 94

CONTENTS: Paperboy, Ghosts 'n' Goblins, Bombjack, Turbo Esprit, Batty
Spectrum/Amstrad/C64 £9.99

All the titles on this compilation are available on budget. If you like all the games - and BombJack, Turbo Esprit and Ghosts 'n' Goblins are particularly good - it might be worth buying this. Otherwise buy your favourites separately.

REVIEW BY: Julian Rignall

Blurb: AMSTRAD SCORES Overall: 63% Exactly the same criticisms as the Spectrum version. If you like 'em all, you could save three pounds by picking up this package. If you don't, pick up your favourites on budget for two quid (Turbo Esprit, Bombjack) and three quid (Batty, Paperboy, Ghosts 'n' Goblins).

Blurb: C64 SCORES Overall: 60% Surprise, surprise! The same criticisms again. This time, though, Batty and Ghosts 'n' Goblins are definitely worth buying separately. The rest aren't much cop - and don't bother with Turbo Esprit - it's complete rubbish.

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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