by Mark Alexander
Alexander Computing Systems
ZX Computing Issue 20, Aug 1985   page(s) 77

A.C.S. Software

Transformer enables you to transfer most of your exciting software on to a microdrive cartridge. When the program has loaded, it automatically saves itself onto microdrive. This can be awkward if you forget to erase it before transferring your programs, however using it from the microdrive gives no problems.

Using this program is very simple, select the program you wish to transfer from the menu and play your original tape. Transformer automatically saves it on to microdrive and then re-loads it from microdrive to check it has transferred successfully.

Here is a list of some games that are guaranteed to transfer: Ghostbusters, 3D Starstrike, Zip Zap, Underwurlde, BeachHead, Zzoom, Decathlon, Pole Position, Pyjamarama, Knightlore, Monty Mole, Project Future, Twin Kingdom Valley, Atic Atac, Trashman, Sabre Wulf, The Hulk, Pssst, Codename Mat, Jetpac, Transam, Cyclone, Manic Miner, Jet Set Willy.

No knowledge of programming is needed at all, and when we tested Transformer with half a dozen of the programs mentioned all transferred without any problems.

This type of program is often abused, either with the maker's consent or not, but we feel that the company are genuine in their intent to produce an aid for microdrive owners and have tried to discourage the misuse of the program as much as possible.

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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