by Eric Deeson
AVC Software
Your Computer Issue 9, Sep 1982   page(s) 29

AVC's Fortune could be a useful stand-in for the crystal ball at children's parties. The company's Tables has a more educational objective. The tests of multiplication tables are quite competent but the program would be more useful as a means of generating interest and enthusiasm for mathematics rather than for teaching the tables themselves.

Whoever designed it has a keen appreciation of the minds of primary school children, although AVC is stretching a point when it claims the program can be used to the age of 16. One clever ploy to generate interest was the use of the ZX-Printer to give each child a permanent record of its achievement. One kid described it as "space-age paper". This theme is reinforced by a countdown to the launch of a rocket each time you play.

REVIEW BY: Boris Allan

Summary: Keeps children happy, possibly useful for events.

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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