Make the Most of Your ZX Microdrive
by Ian R. Sinclair
Granada Publishing
ZX Computing Issue 14, Aug 1984   page(s) 130

From Granada Publishing Ltd. we received "Make the Most of Your ZX Microdrive" by Ian Sinclair at £4.95 which is full of advice on using the latest wonder to the full.

Chapter titles include Caring for Tapes, BASIC filing Techniques, Interface Uses and a Database program. A book for those who want to investigate the possibilities of their equipment rather than just load Space Destruction in ultra quick time.

In fact there is nothing on transferring commercial programs to microdrive, and that is unfortunately probably the most usual intention of its owners (would be mine if I had one).

For the microdriver who wishes to transfer programs as well as improve his usage of the machine, I was sent three pages of typed A4 paper headed MICRODRIVE EXCHANGE.

At first glance this looked unimpressive, but on further reading this turned out to be issue 1 of a new Newsletter Club run by G.A. Bobker, proprieter of the ZX Guaranteed company.

The information contained by this newsletter was well written, accurate and useful, the way to transfer around 75% (by his estimation) of commercial software is clearly explained.

At this stage I must make it clear that I am not advocating making pirate copies for friends or profit, but if you have the means to get fast access to a program there is very little wrong with making a copy for your own use.

But back to Microdrive Exchange, at £5.00 membership per year for a monthly hint sheet it is well worth subscribing to. My best wishes for its success....

REVIEW BY: Patrick Cain

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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