What Can I Do with 1K?
by Roger Valentine
V&H Computer Services
ZX Computing Issue 1, Jun 1982   page(s) 64

The ZX81 publishing bandwagon is one which a number of people - including myself - have jumped onto, with mixed results. Some of the books have a 'bad feel' to them, as they were produced just for the money, while others feel good and deliver the product their covers proclaim. This book is one that delivers.

When I first reviewed the ZX81, I was highly critical of the miniscule 1K provided on board, but along with many others, I have since then learned a number of tricks to squeeze the maximum into Clive's unforgiving RAM. Roger Valentine has also learned the lessons of program packing, and some of the best of them the are presented in this little volume.

The programs are divided into seven sections: Fate and fortune; Printing with more frills; Casino gambling; Data files; Business programs; Utilities and Games. The section titles do not even hint at how wide the program selection is in this book. Programs include the predictable standards (CRAPS, I CHING and SPACE RESCUE) as well as a number of the surprisingly effective and useful business programs - VAT, Bank Record, Credit Cards; Payroll, Test Data and Payslip. Some of the games are very good indeed, such as Roulette and there is even a very odd "computer dating" simulation which enables you to enter your intelligence as 'thick as two short planks'. All in all this is a splendid book, and one which will repay your investment time and time again. What Can I Do With 1K?, V&H Computer Services.

REVIEW BY: Phil Garratt

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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