Gift from the Gods
by Ally Noble, John Gibson, Roy Gibson, Simon Butler, Steve Cain, Bob Wakelin
Ocean Software Ltd
Crash Issue 13, Feb 1985   page(s) 54,55

Producer: Ocean
Memory Required: 48K
Retail Price: £9.95
Language: Machine code
Author: Denton Designs

One of the happier notes in our article last month on the crash of Imagine, was that megagame programmer John Gibson was working with a brand new software company called Denton Designs, largely financed by Ocean. Gift from the Gods is their first game (they are now busy on Frankie Goes to Hollywood), and the team who created it is John Gibson, Karen Davies and Steve Crane (graphics), systems designer Kenny Everitt and graphics artist Ally Noble.

Gift from the Gods is a multi-screen strategy/adventure game which is joystick driven in a rather novel way. More of that later, first the storyline. Set in the Palace of Mycena in Ancient Greece, it follows the trials and tribulations of Orestes who, under the directions of the Gods Zeus and Apollo, must avenge the murder of his father, King Agememnon. Orestes must fulfill his destiny by trial in the Labyrinth beneath the palace and find the solution to the puzzle, or perish in the attempt.

Hidden in 16 special rooms are objects, known as Euclidian shapes, geometric designs based on triangles, circles and squares; six of which, when correctly positioned in the Guardian's Chamber, reveal the exit. Orestes has some help from his sister Electra, who has been imprisoned in the Labyrinth, and she can guide him to where the shapes are hidden, but Orestes has to decide himself what shapes he must take to the Guardian's Chamber. Illusionary creatures created by the Demi-Gods try to sap Orestes' strength, but in certain rooms, life-giving water drips from the roof, replenishing energy and stamina. The Demi-Gods have also created illusory Euclidian shapes as which sit beside the real ones, and although these do not fool Electra, she isn't always around to help. The other problem is his mother, Clytaemnestra, who has learned of his task and has entered the labyrinth to kill Electra.

Orestes is able to walk or fly and protect himself with a sword. All these functions would normally require loads of controls, but Gift from the Gods has an innovative 'intelligent' joystick feature, which effectively 'knows' what you want to do next. Whether it really 'knows' is another matter, but depending on the circumstances you are able to walk, fly or fight all from the four directions of the joystick.

The screen display is elegantly simple. Each room of the labyrinth is decorated in appropriate Greek style. It is possible to walk or fly vertically or horizontally between linked rooms. As Orestes disappears from view, there is a fast scroll to the next room into which he then appears. Some rooms are blocked by purple walls, through which he cannot go. Others have doors in them, and when positioned correctly, Orestes may move through them either into other rooms or into the secret hiding places of the Euclidian shapes. The only other detail is the stamina figure and a scrolling message line where Electra, Apollo and Zeus may talk. The labyrinth is a confusing place but Orestes may take some small comfort from the seven Tears of Icarus which he carries. Dropped sensibly these can help mark his passage, but wicked Clytaemnestra is likely to pick them up if she comes across them.


Control keys: top row - fire, second row - up, third row down, alternate keys bottom row left/right
Joystick: Sinclair 2, Kempston, Cursor
Keyboard play: very responsive, with sophisticated control possible, clever use of fire to stop movement, pick up/drop and fight. Eight directional movement
Use of colour: excellent
Graphics: large, smooth with excellent detail and imagination used, first rate scrolling
Sound: very little really beyond the odd spot effect
Skill levels: 1
Lives: 100 points of stamina - you need it all
Screens: what do you expect - it's a labyrinth!

I haven't seen a game like Gift from the Gods before, with the possible exception that graphically and sometimes in feeling there is a touch of Alchemist to it. However, where Alchemist was pretty easy and shallow, Gift from the Gods is more detailed and complex. The game is simple enough, but getting anywhere with it is another matter. I liked the pace, which is slow, but in a thoughtful way, and I liked the way the complexities of the game grew as I played it. At first it seems there is little to do except walk or fly from room to room, but the labyrinth is huge and confusing. It's a game to map as you go along or you'll soon lose your way. The shapes you have to collect are often false, illusions created by the Demi-Gods to confuse you further, and the reason for attacking the monsters, which can usually be avoided, becomes apparent. By destroying the illusion, the illusory shapes are also temporarily destroyed. The graphics are excellent, especially the character of Orestes, who moves convincingly - I especially liked the way he adopts a Greek tragedian's pose after stunning himself. The joystick/keyboard selection menu is not accessible after choice, a drawback which is thoughtfully mentioned for once on the inlay card instructions. Gift from the Gods is a highly unusual game, definitely more adventure/strategy than arcade, but you can have fun with the monsters and the dual action sword.

Gift from the Gods is without doubt the best game that has ever come out with Imagine connected somewhere to it. The graphics are very good and the animation of the various monsters and yourself is excellent. The game is colourful and the overall presentation is marvellous. Gift from the Gods is fun to play and, offering challenges to players of all sorts - you don't have to be an arcade wiz to get from room to room, but you have to be quite good at games if you want to complete the game. The only thing that really lets the game down is that it's a bit expensive, though it does come in a very attractive box. Overall, Gift from the Gods is a very good game at a steep price.

This somewhat stylish arcade/adventure has more of the adventure than the arcade in it. The market for arcade/adventures seem to have expanded a lot recently, whether or not this has been due to the pre-Christmas rush to get products onto the market, so there seem to have been more, or whether it's due to a genuine desire for different and more complex games, I don't know. Finding the Guardian's Chamber is the first trick. It isn't easy. When you do find it, you realise its refreshing in more than the trees that line its sides, it also replenishes all your stamina - a bit quicker than standing under a dripping roof filling up. There are six receptacles in there, all waiting for the six shapes you are going to bring - hopefully. Finding your way back to it when you've collected the first shape with Electra's help is the second trick! Your mum is not really seen, and the murder of Electra at her hands, should you let that happen through inattention, is mercifully done out of sight. The only way you know that she's slinking around the place is by the puffs of talcum powder she trails behind her - extremely sinister! Gift from the Gods has a curiously mesmeric feel to it which is hard to describe and I would unreservedly recommend it to anyone, were it not for the high price. If you can afford it, get it.

Use of Computer90%
Getting Started85%
Addictive Qualities81%
Value For Money75%
Summary: General Rating: An original, enjoyable game with a wide range of playing options, generally excellent, pity about the higher price.

Transcript by Chris Bourne

Your Spectrum Issue 13, Apr 1985   page(s) 47

Dave: This one comes in a large box, with a fairly comprehensive instruction sheet containing the storyline. The tale concerns several strangely-named people and seems to have been written to confuse potential players so that they don't realise that this is just another 'move about in the maze, collecting things and putting them in the right place' game.

The object of this extravaganza is basically to collect the six 'Euclidian' shapes and place them in the Guardian's chamber. You're hindered in this task by the nasty Demi-Gods, as they've created lots of fake shapes to confuse you; you also have to make sure that your mother doesn't kill your sister.

Graphically, the game is very good with large sprites and several different types of 'nasty' all well animated. It also boasts an 'intelligent' joystick feature that stops you having to press loads of different keys; movements of the joystick (or keypresses) do different things when you're in certain locations!

Unfortunately, Gift from the Gods didn't really hold my interest, as there really isn't much to do beyond filling a large piece of paper with a map of the Labyrinth. 2/5 MISS

Ross: I don't think much of the Gods if this is all they can come up with for a gift. Another of the multi-millioned screen bores, but one that docs contain pretty graphics. 1/5 MISS

Roger: Excellent graphics and... um... that's about it really! Hah, it's all Greek to me... 2/5 MISS

REVIEW BY: Dave Nicholls, Ross Holman, Roger Willis

Transcript by Chris Bourne

Sinclair User Issue 36, Mar 1985   page(s) 34

Ocean Software
Memory: 48K
Price: £6.90

Beneath the legendary palace of Mycenae, where Agamemnon the conqueror of Troy was horribly murdered by his wife Clytaemnestra, are vast labyrinths. Gates lead from one multi-tiered section to the next.

In Gift from the Gods you are cast as Orestes, son of the dead king. Your task is to collect certain geometric shapes from rooms within the maze and place some of them in their correct arrangement inside the chamber of the Guardian. Only then is escape possible.

Your sister Electra will help you if you can locate her, whilst the shade of Clytaemnestra will attempt to destroy you by reducing your stamina.

The graphics are well made and the figure of Orestes walks and flies realistically. Technically an excellent production, but it does seem rather short on events. You can wander around the maze for quite a time with little happening to provide interest.

Gift from the Gods is a curate's egg really: long in technical merit, short on excitement.

REVIEW BY: Richard Price

Gilbert Factor6/10
Transcript by Chris Bourne

C&VG (Computer & Video Games) Issue 41, Mar 1985   page(s) 107

MACHINE: Spectrum/keyboard or joystick
PRICE: £9.95

Enter the world of Greek mythology in this latest game from the team who once worked on another software legend - the mythical and mysterious Bandersnatch!

Gift from the Gods, unlike that other game, has actually reached the shelves of your local games shop - and it's a brilliant bit of software. The scenario is taken from Greek legends and stars Orestes who, aided by the ancient Greek gods, has returned to Mycenae to regain his rightful kingdom from the clutches of his evil mothre Clytaemnestra.

Orestes must fulfil his destiny by trial in the mysterious labyrinth beneath the palace of Mycenae. No man has ever returned from this labyrinth - a series of inter-connecting chambers created by the gods to punish mortals for their misdeeds.

Hidden in 16 special rooms are objects known as Euclidean shapes, strange geometric designs based on circles, triangles and squares. Six of these shapes, placed in the correct order in the Guardian's chamber will prompt the discovery of the exit from the labyrinth.

The Guardian's chamber is the home of demi-gods who use their powers of illusion to prevent Orestes discovering the right shapes.

The gods have revealed the correct solution to Orestes' sister, Electra, imprisoned by the nasty Clytaemnestra within the catacombs beneath the palace. Orestes must seek her help in discovering the correct shapes. Without her he must make his own mind up - and can easily be led astray by the masters of illusion.

Clytaemnestra has learned of Orestes' quest and has herself entered the labyrinth in order to kill Electra and make her son's task even more difficult. Orestes must protect Electra as well as seeking the shapes. All the time his strength is ebbing away - although he can discover the waters of life dripping from the roof of certain parts of the labyrinth which restore his powers.

That's the basic theme of this entertaining and intricate game. There are features you'll come across - like the awesome illusionary monsters - but you'll enjoy finding them out for yourself!

Orestes is armed with a sword, a gift from Zeus and also has seven tears shed by Icarus when he flew too near to the sun. These he can use as "markers" in the catacombs. But beware, the evil Clytaemnestra has a nasty habit of moving them around.

Orestes is also assisted by "messages" from the gods which appear at the bottom of the screen.

The animation is excellent. Orestes moves smoothly and all graphics are completely flicker-free. The monsters our hero discovers in the labyrinth are stunning. Watch out for the three-headed serpent and horrible pile of animated skulls!

The game includes an "intelligent" joystick feature - which basically means that it's much easier to move Orestes around. You don't need to mix both keyboard and joystick - or end up struggling to work out which control will get you out of a tight corner when your energy is rapidly being drained by a nasty monster.

Documentation is good and it includes playing and strategy hints as well as the usual instructions.

If you like Avalon then you'll love Gift from the Gods - it is great fun to play and you never know just what you are going to find around the next corner!

Transcript by Chris Bourne

Sinclair Programs Issue 29, Mar 1985   page(s) 16

PRICE: £9.95
GAME TYPE: Animated Adventure

The trend in 1984 was towards George Orwell and modern literature. Computer games in 1985 seem to be reacting against this, with a strong movement towards Greek mythology. Gift from the Gods takes up the classical story of Orestes. You star as Orestes, and your aim is to avenge the murder of your father, Agamemnon, by your mother Clytaemnestra. In doing so you have the help of your sister, Electra and the gods Zeus and Apollo.

All good stuff and, for once, a powerful storyline is backed by an excellent game. Gift from the Gods takes the form of an animated adventure in which Orestes moves through the labyrinth, flies through the air, fights the monsters and attempts to find and follow his sister.

Orestes' aim is to find the six Euclidian shapes which will reveal the exit to the labyrinth when positioned correctly in the Guardian's chamber. Orestes is opposed by the demi-gods who live in the Guardian's chamber. They use their powers of illusion in order to prevent discovery of the shapes.

Electra knows where to find the correct six shapes, but Clytaemnestra knows of her purpose and is trying to kill her, and to steal the shapes. Another problem is the terrifying illusory creatures created by the demi-gods to sap Orestes' strength. Enormous spiders, skulls with worms twisting through their eye sockets, any amount of weird creatures which you would fear to meet in broad daylight not alone in a hostile maze.

Great fun and very complex, Gift from the Gods is produced by Ocean Software, Ocean House, 6 Central Street, Manchester M2 5NS.

REVIEW BY: Colette McDermott

Transcript by Chris Bourne

Your Computer Issue 2, Feb 1985   page(s) 40

Spectrum 48K
Arcade Adventure

Orestes has a problem. Mum ran off with another man and then ran off with his kingdom. The only way he can get it back is to enter the Labyrinth.

The Labyrinth, apart from being a tricky place to find your way around is filled with various monsters trying to sap our hero's energy. Fortunately he has friends in high places: Zeus has given him a Sword and Apollo has given him the Seven Tears of Icarus which can be used to mark chambers within the labyrinth.

Apart from the monsters, you've also got to cope with mum who is busy moving objects around. She'll also kill your sister Electra, given half a chance, which would be a blow as the Gods have revealed the solution of your quest to her.

All this plot detail gives the game plenty of flavour. It is complimented by the graphics of the catacombs, filled with pillars, columns, and animated monsters. The controls are easy to use using a combination of joystick movements and the fire button to move, fly, fight, pick up and drop objects. There is also a pause key which helps when making a map.

Your task is a long a difficult one. It's a large maze, and even when you find the objects, there are only six real ones among the 64 scattered around. Should Clytaemestra manage to kill Electra, your task will become immensely difficult, so much of your time will be spent chasing Clytaemestra around so that she doesn't have a chance of getting to Electra.

The Greek legends of heroic quests make great themes for games and this is certainly a well executed example.

REVIEW BY: Lee Paddon

Transcript by Chris Bourne

ZX Computing Issue 19, Jun 1985   page(s) 32,33


Ocean have delved into the depths of Greek legend and come up with an adventure game to play on your ancient Spectrum.

The game is based upon the life of Orestes. For those lesser mortals who are reading this page and do not know who this person was, I shall explain. Orestes had a mother, Clytemnestra, a father, Agamemnon and a Sister, Electra. Clytemnestra, in order to rule over Mycenae, evilly kills her husband and banishes her two children from the land. Electra is hidden in the catacombs below the palace, where Clytemnestra lives with her new husband Aegisthus, and Orestes, the Hero of the game, with the help of the gods must try and regain the kingdom from his mother.

You are Orestes and control your figure on screen with a joystick (virtually any) or keyboard. It is better to use a joystick as the game has an intelligent joystick facility, leaving out the need for complex combinations of keys.

In order to reclaim Mycenae, Orestes must travel around this labyrinth and collect 16 Euclidian shapes (geometric designs) and place them in the correct order around the chamber to find the exit and end of the game. Orestes has been given a sword and seven tears, which act as markers, to help him find his goal. Electra can also help in finding the shapes; she appears as an apparition and will lead you to the correct place. Scattered around are terrifying objects, placed by the Demi-gods, which will zap your strength and eventually send you to the underworld.

I enjoyed playing this game very much. The graphics are excellent, with smooth animation and although I seemed to be running around the maze doing nothing for quite some time. Gift From The Gods is totally absorbing, interesting and fun.

REVIEW BY: David Howard

Value For Money95%
ZXC Factor9/10
Transcript by Chris Bourne

All information in this page is provided by ZXSR instead of ZXDB