Hi Q Quiz
by Ake Anderson, Henrik Anderson
Blue Ribbon Software
Crash Issue 68, Sep 1989   page(s) 48

Blue Ribbon

Hello Trivial Pursuit! And not necessarily welcome back, either. This offering from Blue Ribbon is very similar to Trivial Pursuit, but without the polish or playability. You get four question headings: Sport, Science, History and Geography, and Art and Entertainment.

A maximum of four players move around the board answering a preset number of questions on each subject. The number is determined by the skill level (1 to 4), and each player's current status shows in their corner of the board.

HI-Q's potential appeal is a bit difficult to pin down. The questions are too difficult to make it a late night too-drunkto- dance game; what self respecting party animal is going to know what sport uses the term Atchllli (the answer's Jai-Alai)! The screen display is too colourful and generally unattractive. If you're set on collecting trivia games, go ahead and buy this one, on your head be it.

REVIEW BY: Nick Roberts, Richard Eddy, Mike Dunn

Transcript by Chris Bourne

Your Sinclair Issue 46, Oct 1989   page(s) 47


Never a man to miss out on a spicy low-pricey, Jonathan Davies sifts through this month's batch of good, bad and downright ugly budget games.

Blue Ribbon
Reviewer: Jonathan Davies

Triv time again, and here is Blue Ribbon's answer to Domark's best seller. The board is pretty much the same, as are the rules. All that's lacking is the assortment of fab musical and graphical questions that gave them something to writ about on the packaging of the original.

There are four categories of questions - Science, Sport (yuck), History/Geography and Art/Entertainment. The idea is to roll the dice, move and answer a question (you have the option of a time limit). Once you've answered a specific number of each, move back to the start and you've won. Up to four people can play.

And that's it. No problems execution-wise and the questions are pretty numerous and difficult. If you desperately want to impress (or bore) everyone with you wide-ranging knowledge, bit can't quite afford the real thing, Hi-Q Quiz could come in handy.

REVIEW BY: Jonathan Davies

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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