by Adrian Sherwin
Ocean Software Ltd
Crash Issue 1, Feb 1984   page(s) 48

Producer: Ocean, 16K

This version is a classic missile defence game with excellent graphics, especially the sunburst explosions. The missile traces spilt into several traces, coming thicker and faster with each wave. The available number of missiles in your armoury for each wave is shown at the base of the screen and above that are your six cities which you are protecting. After each attack wave the program updates your score and cities left. Nice title graphics and 'end' card. Recommended

Transcript by Chris Bourne

Crash Issue 2, Mar 1984   page(s) 48

Producer: Ocean, 16K

This version is a classic missile defence game with excellent graphics, especially the sunburst explosions. The missile traces spilt into several traces, coming thicker and faster with each wave. The available number of missiles in your armoury for each wave is shown at the base of the screen and above that are your six cities which you are protecting. After each attack wave the program updates your score and cities left. Nice title graphics and 'end' card. Recommended.

Transcript by Chris Bourne

Crash Issue 3, Apr 1984   page(s) 64

Producer: Ocean, 16K

This version is a classic missile defence game with excellent graphics, especially the sunburst explosions. The missile traces spilt into several traces, coming thicker and faster with each wave. The available number of missiles in your armoury for each wave is shown at the base of the screen and above that are your six cities which you are protecting. After each attack wave the program updates your score and cities left. Nice title graphics and 'end' card. Recommended

Transcript by Chris Bourne

Crash Issue 3, Apr 1984   page(s) 98


Our erstwhile arcade sleuths, CHRIS PASSEY & MATTHEW UFFINDELL duet of their track balls and compare some Spectrum 'Missile Command' type games.

'Missile Command' is the arcade classic in which the player defends six cities from enemy missiles. These missiles leave traces on the screen, splitting up at lower levels to make life more difficult. In addition planes and killer satellites move across the screen dropping more missiles. Heat sensitive missiles (or smart bombs) are able to avoid your defensive explosions and have to be hit accurately (direct hit) or deluged with explosions. Defence is by means of three missile bases, each having ten missiles. Any missile you launch will head for, and detonate at the point where your cross wire sight is set. The game continues until all your cities have been destroyed. The control of the sight is achieved by means of a track ball, which gives a very positive, accurate movement (analogue) and is very necessary for this type of game. The Spectrum games, of course, do not have a track ball provision.

Armageddon by Ocean
Retail Price: £5.90
Memory: 16K

This is a variation on the theme, basically the same in essence but a few points have changed. There are still six cities but no missile or laser bases. Your defence missiles 'appear' from the centre of the screen, leaving no trace behind them, They take off at angles, altering their flight path to reach their destination (detonation!) point. They appear to be fired in groups of two with a slight pause between groups. Explosions caused by the missiles are nice, big, smooth balloon types, very similar to the original. Incoming missiles, which split at lower levels, do leave a trace. Due to the wrap around screen, any going off one side will reappear from the other. I liked this added touch. The graphics are smooth (pixel movement). There is also a spy satellite, but no aircraft or smart bombs. The colour at one point spoils the game by altering whole character squares when explosions occur (only on the light blue screen). Generally control is quite easy but the Kempston option is obviously far better. Although 5 skill levels are provided the game is not really challenging enough (perhaps because it is easer to control than most of the others). This is the best of the two Armageddons, and fairly good overall.

Armageddon by Ocean is Kempston compatible although you don't really need a joystick because of the good keyboard layout and fairly easy game. The cross wire sight is moved in a very controllable amnner. You are allowed 32 plasma boltsa to defend yourself, which produce a fairly rounded explosion, not too bad at all. Every so often an odd looking space ship passes overhead and fires bombs at you. The sound is good but the colour is only average used. Not such a demanding game, so its value is lessened.

Note on ratings: To be enjoyed to the full, 'Missile Command' games should be played with a joystick (shame there is not a track ball) because keyboard play, in general, cannot give the same degree of accuracy and control. Although the same may be said for many other types of game, we are sure 'Missile Command' fans will agree that this is the game which needs it the most badly. Therefore the ratings given below have been split in two, one for keyboard only play, and one for joystick play. The two reviewers figures have been averaged as, in general, they turned out to be in agreement.

Ratings are given on a scale between zero and 100 points, and do not reflect what a game may receive in a regular review.

REVIEW BY: Chris Passey, Matthew Uffindell

Use of Computer (Keyboard)65%
Use of Computer (Joystick)90%
Playability (Keyboard)50%
Playability (Joystick)85%
Addictive Qualities (Keyboard)55%
Addictive Qualities (Joystick)88%
Value for Money (Keyboard)60%
Value for Money (Joystick)85%
Transcript by Chris Bourne

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