Sales Ledger
ZX SAS (Serious Application Software)
ZX Computing Issue 4, Dec 1982   page(s) 90


A useful selection of business aids for the home and office, including a personal banking system and programs for VAT and book-keeping.


ZX SAS is a new company specialising in Serious Application Software (hence the company's name) for the ZX range of microcomputers.

The initial software offerings from the company include PAYE and Sales Ledger. Programs under development include General and Purchase Ledgers, Retail Accounting, together with some industry-based accounting software and a comprehensive indexing/retrieval system, all for the 16K ZX81. Spectrum versions are under development.

Company director, Barry Ennever, says ZX SAS also offer tailor-made programs for specific individual requirements.

Two powerful segments of the 14K PAYE program offer you options to calculate or check your PAYE code, and using this calculate your net pay for next week or month.

PAYE CODE CALCULATIONS - this section prompts you with all the allowances you are likely to claim and offers you advice and also alternative sources of extra information if you are uncertain if these allowances are applicable. The program then displays and prints your PAYE code and how it is made up.

NEW PAY CALCULATION - using your PAYE code this is an automatic calculation of National Insurance and PAYE deductions, with options for pension plan and other salary deductions, thus enabling you to produce your next week or month's net pay, even if your PAYE code is changing, you earn extra overtime or your earnings increase, etc.

Both segments include full instructions within the program which is professionally written with full use of the ZX printer, although this piece of equipment is not necessary for full value to be gained from the program.

PAYE costs £6.50, and Sales Ledger is £10.00. ZX SAS are at Orient House, 42/45 New Broad Street, London, EC2M 1QY.

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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