Slicker Puzzle
by Andrew Dickens
DK'Tronics Ltd
Crash Issue 4, May 1984   page(s) 64

Producer: DK Tronics, 16K

This puzzle is one of the best and most complex. There are 16 x 16 different character positions, which makes for a lot of combinations! In a sense the screen resembles a 2D Rubic cube, the colour of the blocks of which are muddled up by the computer. If you beat or equal the computers number of moves to solve the combination, then you are give a garbled message. The better you do, the more readable the message becomes. If you get less than the computer you will have to try again from scratch. The graphics are good, although not important, and the colour is very well used, as is the sound. (Skill levels). Overall CRASH rating 62% machine code.

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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