The Top Fruitmachine
by Arno van der Hulst
Your Sinclair Issue 63, Mar 1991   page(s) 74


Time once again to take your socks off and snuggle up under the duvet with RICH PELLEY (and a couple of crap games)...

By lots of different people

Fruit machine sims seem pretty popular out there in Crapland - they've been arriving by the envelope.

One of the best is Arno Vld Hulst's Top Fruit Machine - brilliant stuff in 100% pure unadulterated machine code, with holds, bonuses and also a bonus screen which has you trying to stop the flashing light on the highest value prize, just like the real McCoy.

As for the other end of the quality scale, well, Professional Fruit Machine Simulator by B Hunt just about takes the nut. Three letters appear on the screen - if they're the same, you've won. If they're not, you haven't. It's as simple (and as crap) as that.

And last it's Championship Boxing by J Hale, which come to think of it isn't a fruit machine sim at all but quite a good boxing manager thingie.

REVIEW BY: Rich Pelley

Blurb: FANCY SEEING YOUR GAME ON THE COVER? Well, who wouldn't? That's right, Spec-chums, as of this month we're choosing one reader game per issue to put on the front cover cassette! And it could be yours! Michael Batty's incredibly wonderful Earth Shaker takes pride of place in this month's 6-Pack (earning him quite a juicy little cheque we might add - that's right, we pay you for this!) but don't let his high standards deter you - whatever you do, however you do it, we'd like to see your stuff. Oo-er! So - this month's Crap Games comes to an end, packs its bag, goes home, has a bath, makes itself a hot cup of cocoa and goes to bed. I'll be sitting here (and I'm Rich Pelley) at CGC, YS, 30 Monmouth Street, Bath, BA1 2BW, till the postie arrives. Ta-ta.

Blurb: GIRLY FAN CLUB CORNER My personal collection of sexy girlie underwear is coming on quite nicely with the welcome addition of an attractive pair of skimpy black lacey knickers sent in from Gill from Sheffield. (Hi again, Gill - and I think your brother owes me £10). Oh, and a great big sloppy wet snog under the mistletoe to Laura Gregory from Wolverhampton for the Chrimbo card. Ta, girlies. Right, who's next? (And I want photos from now on too.)

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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