Samurai Warrior
MC Lothlorien Ltd
Crash Issue 1, Feb 1984   page(s) 62

Producer: MCL Lothlorien, 16K

You are a Samurai warrior living during the Kamakura period in Japan (1185-1333). There are no bonus points for killing Richard Chamberlain, but there are for defeating your opponents and surviving into old age. You can, of course, commit Seppuku if you would rather. Up against you are six groups of bandits and nine other samurai of differing abilities, any of whom may be superior to yourself. Challenges and hunts occur in simple graphics and are not very good. Results are in direct relation to the combatants' strengths. Seems pointless.

Transcript by Chris Bourne

Crash Issue 2, Mar 1984   page(s) 65

Producer: MCL Lothlorien, 16K

You are a Samurai warrior living during the Kamakura period in Japan (1185-1333). There are no bonus points for killing Richard Chamberlain, but there are for defeating your opponents and surviving into old age. You can, of course, commit Seppuku if you would rather. Up against you are six groups of bandits and nine other samurai of differing abilities, any of whom may be superior to yourself. Challenges and hunts occur in simple graphics and are not very good. Results are in direct relation to the combatants' strengths Seems pointless.

Transcript by Chris Bourne

Crash Issue 4, May 1984   page(s) 71

Producer: MCL Lothlorien, 16K

You are a Samurai warrior living during the Kamakura period in Japan (1185-1333). There are no bonus points for killing Richard Chamberlain, but there are for defeating your opponents and surviving into old age. You can, of course, commit Seppuku if you would rather. Up against you are six groups of bandits and nine other samurai of differing abilities, any of whom may be superior to yourself. Challenges and hunts occur in simple graphics and are not very good. Results are in direct relation to the combatants' strengths. Seems pointless.

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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