The Crazy Demo
by Xterminator
The Mad Guys
Your Sinclair Issue 81, Sep 1992   page(s) 45


Crikeroonie! Poor old Jon. He didn't know what he was letting himself in for when he scribbled those lines about Speccy public domain last month. Now he's got about a billion PD progs teetering dangerously on his desk, all shouting out to be reviewed. Let's join him at the Shed Speccy and rest our hands casually on the red-hot power pack. Ouch!

Demos, eh? As I said last month, with no game to worry about, demos can use the full resources of your Speccy to produce some shockingly good effects. As a rule of thumb, they all have to be loaded in 48K mode (most use fiendish code compressors, y'see). all have the bonus of brilliant music tracks for 128Kers, and all have mind-numbingly lengthy scrollies (with occasionally nasty language - be warned, ye of sensitive dispositions). Well, enough about rules. And thumbs. On with the reviews!

The Crazy Demo
By X-Terminator of The Mad Guys
Reviewer: Jon Pillar

A neat change from the blistering pyrotechnics of NMI, The Crazy Demo is just a load of screens and music laid over a (very) long scrolly. (Be prepared to miss several of your favourite TV programmes in order to get to the end of this one) I really like it - the graphics are exceptionally well-drawn (hardly any of them have been stolen, hem-hem) and the sound is jolly boppy. The best bit, though, is the giggly sense of humour - the scrolly starts fairly normally, but rockets off into absurdity, complaining about the sluggish speed of itself and getting interrupted halfway through by a sudden burst of music. It's utterly mad, and you should get it right this very minute. Right now. Go on - don't even stop to change your slippers.

REVIEW BY: Jon Pillar

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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