Wild West Seymour
by Allister Brimble, Jon Cartwright, Peter J. Ranson, Shan Savage
Code Masters Ltd
Sinclair User Issue 133, Mar 1993   page(s) 19


Look, over there, through that swirling cloud of strange mist... No, it can't be, but it is! SU's guide to the game-greats of yester-year. Yes indeedy there have been some good 'uns on the market in the last few years so now's the time to start polishing up on your collection if you've missed out on any of these fabbo titles. Mark Patterson, who's been in the business since before he was born and who has written not just for SU but also for Amiga, ST, PC and Console mages gives us an extra critical run down of the best...

Label: Codemasters
Memory: 48K/128K
Price: £3.99 Tape
Reviewer: Mark Patterson

The Codemasters' endearing blob o' lard Seymour journeys back to the days when men were men and blobs were blobs to solve a riddle in the wild west.

Like the previous Seymour game, this is an arcade adventure, unlike it this is actually very good. The first step is to track down a movie script, then guide Seymour to the west itself to produce a flick. Bright, big and very playable, watch out Dizzy, Seymour's in town! Not the longest adventure ever, but fun stuff. Also available on the Super Seymour compilation which is excellent value.

REVIEW BY: Mark Patterson

Transcript by Chris Bourne

Sinclair User Issue 128, Oct 1992   page(s) 10,11

Label: Code Masters
Memory: 48K/128K
Price: £3.99 Tape
Reviewer: Big Al Dykes

Remember the Alamo? Well it's about time someone made a decent attempt at a cowboy movie on the Spectrum. It's certainly well besieged with all other types of game. OK we've had progs like Spaghetti Western before but none have ever concentrated on the problems that people like Sergio Leone and Sam Peckinpath had putting these movies together.

Get off your horse and drink your milk! Ah yes, John Wayne, probably the most famous cowboy of them all. Well Code Masters are back into simulator mode again (almost) without John Wayne, in a series of westerns starring their very own lovable lump of lard, Seymour. Unfortunately this actually makes him a cow-potato but nonetheless it's an admirable effort. Yee haw, rustle me up a mess o' beans thar Seymour.

Seymour, Codies and Big Red have been given the task of gittin' to the old west and rustlin' up a remake of some western B- movies. Unfortunately though an evil, stinkin' Mexican bandito doesn't want them to succeed (he probably works for the Mexican film board) and has laid all sorts of traps to prevent them from galloping along on their merry cinematic way.

It all starts off at Codie headquarters in Leamington Spa where disasters abound; scripts have been stolen, safes have been blown up and Richard Crash' Eddy's pants have been lopped off at the knee for the first time since he was a boy scout!

As usual Seymour is lumbered with solving the world's problems but once the script has been found, along with the rest of the missing movie gear he and his buddies can finally go to the United States and begin their perilous journey to the wild west, by train, wagon and on foot. There Seymour gets into all sorts of bother as he attempts to make his name as a western star. Luckily there are plenty of objects littered along his path, some hidden, some obvious (though their uses may not be at first) and these allow him to solve problems, circumvent difficult situations and generally get on with the show.

Like Seymour Goes To Hollywood, the basis of this game is a treasure hunt, picking up objects and helpful hints and tips as you go along. This is all done in a superbly humourous way with plenty of funny dialogue and loads of characters for our well peeled sleuth to meet.

There are five levels to go through to reach the end of Seymour quest. The first two are simple enough and not really too absorbing but from level three onwards you will be thoroughly entertained as you try to get the little guy on the right track again.

As usual the quality of graphics is excellent, the only problem seemed to be jerky control, though this varied with different joysticks and was moderately good on keyboard. One useful thing to remember about Seymour is that he can jump on clouds and trees without immediately falling through them, I forgot this and had no end of trouble until I rediscovered it. Avoid water and unfriendly looking objects and animals, they drain a lot of life.

With colourful cartoon style graphics and humourous interactive speech bubbles. Wild West Seymour is funnier than a fake arrow through the head and well worth a bash. But remember... always die with your boots on!

I don't really like this sort of game, see I'm much more of an arcade person. But, well, you have to hand it to Codies. They produce all daffy but dapper products and though Seymour's Wild West takes a while to build up steam the humourous interaction and not too difficult puzzles will make you want to go on and on.

REVIEW BY: Alan Dykes

Blurb: WHAT OR WHO IS SEYMOUR? Although he's always been known as a spud-head here at SU, recent controversy over the identity of Seymour, in the light of several new games featuring him, has led to riotous behaviour in SU Towers. Steve Keen claims to have a document stating that Seymour is a slug, while Garth claims to have a taped conversation between Big Red, Seymour programmers and Richard Eddy, Seymour's chef, hacked off a mobile phone, claiming that he is a 'lovable lard ball'. Even more bizarre is Big Al's contention that he is in fact a combination of 'lovable lard ball' and potato - a Gnocci (for those who are not Italian this is pronounced nyockie). These are usually covered in tomato sauce though, so nobody really believes him.

Summary: Codies have done it again with a cute character and a crazy storyline. This Seymour outing is actually funnier and more accessible than his previous visit to movie stardom in Hollywood. I have to say I prefer Seymour to Dizzy (aggh - screams of woe from the faithful). Some of the screwball ideas Codies come up with for him should have had the entire company locked away in a loony bin ages ago. Boys, you gonna play this game or whistle Dixie?

Award: Sinclair User Silver

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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