Sinclair User Issue 68, Nov 1987   page(s) 80

Label: Le Lu/Lu's, 27a Draycott Avenue, Layton, Blackpool, Lancs, FY3 7NP
Price: £2.50
Memory: 48K/128K
Joystick: various
Reviewer: Tamara Howard

Two of the silliest games ever to be released. Bananablip and Spacemanblip require the player to chose alternatives and stick to them. Bananablip provides you with twenty pictures, and then five alternatives as to what they are. Guess them all right and you'll be a hero, but I don't think that'll happen. Spacemanblip asks you to interpret the spaceman's next move out of a list of half a dozen or so that flash on the screen for about two seconds and then go away again. Impossible unless you cheat.

Both bizarre and baffling and, oh dear, not really very good at all apart from the obvious novelty value and complete bizarreness.

REVIEW BY: Tamara Howard

Summary: Perhaps good after a few pints and a curry but then, aren't most things?

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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