DK'Tronics Programmable Joystick Interface
Release Date  1984
Original Publisher  DK'Tronics Ltd (UK)
Min. Hardware  
Genre  Hardware: Joystick
Max. Players  0
Required by  program Programmable Joystick Software
Came with  program Programmable Joystick Software
Original Price  £22.95

     SPOT: separate programmable/dual-port types

     "Now you can run any software from any supplier with the DK'tronics fully programmable joystick interface. It comes complete with machine code software and can be programmed in seconds to give full 8 directional joystick movements."

Additional File Downloads
     DKTronicsProgrammableJoystickInterface.jpg36,958OriginalHardware picture
     DKTronicsProgrammableJoystickInterface_Schematics.gif9,287OriginalHardware technical documentation

Magazine Reviews
     Sinclair Userissue #46-1986/Janpage 54- Review
     ZX Computingissue #15-1984/Octpage 71- Review

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