Demon's Revenge
Release Date  1988
Original Publisher  Firebird Software Ltd (UK)
Min. Hardware  ZX-Spectrum 48K
Language  English
Genre  Arcade Game: Adventure
Max. Players  1
Original Price  £1.99
Controls  Kempston Joystick, Redefineable keys
Groups  Silver Range
Other Platforms  Amstrad CPC
Average mag. score  47.33% (3 reviews)
Martijn's WoS score  43.3% (12 votes)

     #1 - MCM Software S.A. (Spain)(1988)

     Nick Bruty (UK)at Probe Software Ltd - ?
     Daren White (UK)at Probe Software Ltd - ?

     Unauthorized version inLoad 'n' Run issue 51(1988/Jul)by Magazine Load 'n' Run - covertape from issue #51 - 1988/Jul- titled "Diavolo"

Main File Downloads
DemonsRevenge.tap.zipOriginalZX-Spectrum 48K(???)English
 DemonsRevenge.tzx.zipOriginalZX-Spectrum 48K(Firebird BleepLoad)English
 DemonsRevenge(MCMSoftwareS.A.) 48K(Firebird BleepLoad)English

Additional File Downloads
     DemonsRevenge.scr6,912OriginalLoading screen
     DemonsRevenge.gif4,504OriginalRunning screen
     DemonsRevenge.jpg425,641OriginalInlay - Front
     DemonsRevenge_Back.jpg259,557OriginalInlay - Back
     DemonsRevenge.png398,124OriginalGame map
     Demon's Revenge (1988)(Firebird Software).pok56OriginalPOK pokes file
     DemonsRevenge(MCMSoftwareS.A.).jpg118,533#1Inlay - Front

Magazine Reviews
     Crashissue v.1 #51-1988/Aprpage 107- Review: 32%
     MicroHobbyissue #176-1988/Seppage 41- Review - Nuevo
     Sinclair Userissue #74-1988/Maypage 75- Review: 7/10
     Your Sinclairissue #30-1988/Junpage 66- Review: 4/10

Magazine References
     MicroHobbyissue #175-1988/Augpage 60- Preview - Premiere
     Your Sinclairissue #33-1988/Seppage 42- Hack/Poke
     Your Sinclairissue #36-1988/Decpage 33- Hack/Poke

     Modern ZX-Retro Gaming(Information - in English)
     Speccy Screenshot Maps(Information - in English)
     The Tipshop(Information - in English)
     UVL(Information - in English)
     ZX Spectrum Reviews(Magazine Reviews)
     Spectrum 2.0(User Reviews)
     The TZX Vault(Software Preservation)
     ZX-Art(Spectrum Graphics)
     ZXInfo(ZXDB Front End)
     Every Game Going(Multi-Platform Archive)
     New World Of Spectrum(Spectrum Archive)
     Original World Of Spectrum(Spectrum Archive)
     World Of Spectrum Classic(Spectrum Archive)
     Spectrum Computing(MAIN VIEW)