Release Date  1983
Original Publisher  Contrast Software (UK) - within compilation "Lazatron + Mazechase"
Min. Hardware  ZX-Spectrum 48K
Language  English
Genre  Arcade Game: Maze
Max. Players  1
Inspirations  Pac-Man (Arcade coin-op) from Atari Games Ltd (USA), Namco Ltd (Japan)

     Michael J. Levers (UK) - ?

     Full version inLazatron + Mazechase(1983)by Contrast Software (UK)

Additional File Downloads
     Mazechase.gif2,191OriginalRunning screen

Related Magazine Advertisements
     Sinclair Userissue #18-1983/Seppage 110- Advert (Lazatron + Mazechase)
     Sinclair Userissue #21-1983/Decpage 24- Advert (Lazatron + Mazechase)
     Your Computerissue v.3 #12-1983/Decpage 272- Advert (Lazatron + Mazechase)

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