The Secret of Arendarvon Castle
Release Date  1985
Original Publisher  Addison-Wesley Productions (UK)
Min. Hardware  
Language  English
Genre  Book: Paperback
Max. Players  0
Original Price  £5.95
Original Price according to SPOT/SPEX  5.70
*** Data provided by SPOT/SPEX is unconfirmed. Please help us validate this information!

     #1 - Addison-Wesley [NL] (UK)as "Het Mysterie van Arendarvon Castle"
     * ISBN 90-678-9010-3
     * Release price: ƒ30.00

     Hal Renko [Kasper Lodewijk Boon] (Netherlands) - ?
     Sam Edwards [Alex Pelsmaeker] (Netherlands) - ?
     Arend Rensink (Netherlands) - ?

Book Contents
     The Secret of Arendarvon Castle page 0 - Type-in (original)

     Describes how to create an adventure game; each chapter details a different aspect of the game, while ultimately producing the adventure The Secret of Arendarvon Castle.
The entire adventure was also available separately on tape.
A next book was published as well: The Antagonists.

     SPOT: separate prices for tape/book £5.70/£5.95

Series "Arendarvon Castle (Books)"
     1. The Secret of Arendarvon Castle(1985)by Addison-Wesley Productions (UK)
     2. The Antagonists(1985)by Addison-Wesley Productions (UK)

Magazine References
     ZX Computingissue #18-1985/Aprpage 95- News/Note

Magazine Advertisements
     Personal Computer Gamesissue #13-1984/Decpage 92- Advert
     Personal Computer Gamesissue #14-1985/Janpage 97- Advert
     Personal Computer Newsissue #87-1984/Nov/17page 44- Advert

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