The Invisible Mr. Men
Release Date  1985
Original Publisher  Mirrorsoft Ltd (UK)
Min. Hardware  ZX-Spectrum 48K
Language  English
Genre  General: Education
Max. Players  1
Original Price  £9.95
Tie-in Licences  The Mr. Men (Cartoon) from Roger Hargreaves (UK)
Other Platforms  Amstrad CPC, BBC Micro

Series "FirstStepsWithTheMrMen"
     1. First Steps with the Mr. Men(1983)by Mirrorsoft Ltd (UK)
     2. Here and There with the Mr. Men(1985)by Mirrorsoft Ltd (UK)
     3. Word Games with the Mr. Men(1984)by Mirrorsoft Ltd (UK)
     4. Mr. Men Magic Storymaker(1985)by Mirrorsoft Ltd (UK)
     5. The Invisible Mr. Men(1985)by Mirrorsoft Ltd (UK)
     6. Hi Bouncer!(1984)by Mirrorsoft Ltd (UK)

Magazine Advertisements
     Your Computerissue v.5 #12-1985/Decpage 38- Advert
     Your Computerissue v.6 #2-1986/Febpage 28- Advert

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