Passing Shot
Release Date  1989
Original Publisher  Image Works (UK)
Min. Hardware  ZX-Spectrum 48K/128K
Language  English
Genre  Sport Game: Action
Max. Players  2 (Simultaneous)
Original Price  £8.99
Disk Price  £14.99
Features  AY Sound
Controls  Interface 2 (left), Interface 2 (right), Kempston Joystick
Sports  Tennis
Tie-in Licences  Passing Shot (Arcade coin-op) from Sega Enterprises Ltd (Japan)
Other Platforms  Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, Commodore 64, MSX
Average mag. score  74.83% (6 reviews)
Martijn's WoS score  76% (10 votes)

     #1 - EDOS (UK)
     #2 - MCM Software S.A. (Spain)(1989)
     #3 - Encore (UK)(1991)
     * Release price: £2.99

     Nicholas Kimberley (UK)at Teque Software Development Ltd - ?
     Mark Harrap (UK)at Teque Software Development Ltd - ?

Review Awards
     "Your Sinclair Megagame"at Your Sinclairissue #67 - 1991/Julpage 60

     This game was never released by 'The Hit Squad' despite rumors otherwise.

     Demo version inYour Sinclair issue 45: Smash Tape 21(1989/Sep)by Magazine Your Sinclair - covertape from issue #45 - 1989/Sep
     Full version inBack to the Future Part II + Passing Shotby Boots (UK)

Main File Downloads
PassingShot48.tap.zipOriginalZX-Spectrum 48K(???)English
PassingShot(TheHitSquad).tzx.zipOriginalZX-Spectrum 48K/128K(None)English
PassingShot.tzx.zipOriginalZX-Spectrum 48K/128K(None)English
PassingShot128.tap.zipOriginalZX-Spectrum 128K(???)English
 PassingShot.dsk.zipOriginalZX-Spectrum 128 +3(None)English
PassingShot(MCMSoftwareS.A.) 48K/128K(None)English
 PassingShot(MCMSoftwareS.A.) 128 +3(None)English
PassingShot(Encore) 48K/128K(None)English

Additional File Downloads
     PassingShot.scr6,912OriginalLoading screen
     PassingShot.gif2,484OriginalRunning screen
     PassingShot.jpg489,036OriginalInlay - Front
     PassingShot_Back.jpg407,017OriginalInlay - Back
     PassingShot_Tape.jpg59,108OriginalMedia scan
     PassingShot.ay.zip2,434OriginalRipped in-game/theme music in AY format
     PassingShot(MULTI-LANG).pdf598,239OriginalInstructionsMulti-language: English, French, German, Italian
     PassingShot(MCMSoftwareS.A.).jpg117,049#2Inlay - Front
     PassingShot(Encore).jpg419,468#3Inlay - Front
     PassingShot(Encore)_Back.jpg286,424#3Inlay - Back
     PassingShot(Encore)_Tape.jpg78,676#3Media scan

Magazine Reviews
     C&VG (Computer & Video Games)issue #114-1991/Maypage 75- Review: 68%
     Crashissue v.1 #69-1989/Octpage 40- Review: 85%
     FIFOissue #10-1991page 30- Review
     MicroHobbyissue #193-1989/Novpage 40- Review - Nuevo
     New Computer Expressissue #147-1991/Aug/31page 51- Review
     Sinclair Userissue #90-1989/Seppage 8- Review: 81%
     Sinclair Userissue #111-1991/Maypage 38- Review: 60%
     Your Sinclairissue #46-1989/Octpage 18- Review: 65%
     Your Sinclairissue #67-1991/Julpage 60- Review: 90%

Magazine References
     ACE (Advanced Computer Entertainment)issue #23-1989/Augpage 19- Preview
     C&VG (Computer & Video Games)issue #93-1989/Aug special "93b"page 111- Preview
     Crashissue v.1 #67-1989/Augpage 15- News/Note
     Crashissue v.1 #71-1989/Decpage 42- Tips
     The Games Machineissue #21-1989/Augpage 9- Preview
     Your Sinclairissue #44-1989/Augpage 87- Preview
     Your Sinclairissue #45-1989/Seppage 11- CoverGame
     Your Sinclairissue #55-1990/Julpage 50- Tips

Magazine Advertisements
     ACE (Advanced Computer Entertainment)issue #24-1989/Seppage 24- Full-page ad
     C&VG (Computer & Video Games)issue #94-1989/Seppage 36- Full-page ad
     Sinclair Userissue #90-1989/Seppage 19- Full-page ad
     The Games Machineissue #22-1989/Seppage 19- Full-page ad - coming soon ...
     Your Sinclairissue #45-1989/Seppage 49- Full-page ad

     Lost in Translation(Information - in English)
     MobyGames(Information - in English)
     The Tipshop(Information - in English)
     UVL(Information - in English)
     ZX Spectrum Reviews(Magazine Reviews)
     Spectrum 2.0(User Reviews)
     The TZX Vault(Software Preservation)
     ZX-Art(Spectrum Graphics)
     ZXInfo(ZXDB Front End)
     Every Game Going(Multi-Platform Archive)
     New World Of Spectrum(Spectrum Archive)
     Original World Of Spectrum(Spectrum Archive)
     World Of Spectrum Classic(Spectrum Archive)
     Spectrum Computing(MAIN VIEW)