Release Date  1984
Original Publisher  CDS Microsystems (UK)
Min. Hardware  ZX-Spectrum 16K
Language  English
Genre  Arcade Game: Action
Max. Players  1
Supports  Currah MicroSpeech
Original Price  £5.95
Controls  Kempston Joystick
Inspirations  Check Man (Arcade coin-op) from Zilec-Zenitone (UK)
Average mag. score  70.33% (3 reviews)
Martijn's WoS score  61.7% (6 votes)

     Full version inSpectrum Load'n'Run v1 issue 11 - Extraby Magazine Spectrum Load'n'Run - covertape from issue v.1 #11 - 1985/Dec special "Extra"- titled "Sabotaje"
     Full version inTake 2: Timebomb + Magic Meaniesby Blue Ribbon Software (UK)

Main File Downloads
Timebomb.tap.zipOriginalZX-Spectrum 16K(???)English
Timebomb.tzx.zipOriginalZX-Spectrum 16K(None)English

Additional File Downloads
     Timebomb.gif3,149OriginalRunning screen
     Timebomb.jpg127,204OriginalInlay - Front
     timebomb.zip0OriginalRZX playback file - Recorded by Albert Valls (with rollback)
     Timebomb (1984)(CDS Microsystems).pok101OriginalPOK pokes file

Magazine Reviews
     Crashissue v.1 #3-1984/Aprpage 123- Review: 71%
     Games Computingissue 1984/Julpage 41- Review
     Home Computing Weeklyissue #61-1984/May/8 special "week#2"page 42- Review
     Personal Computer Gamesissue #7-1984/Junpage 54- Review: 7/10
     Popular Computing Weeklyissue v.3 #16-1984/Apr/19 special "week#3"page 57- Review
     Sinclair Programsissue #21-1984/Julpage 33- Review
     Sinclair Userissue #27-1984/Jun supplement "Soft Centre 2"page 12- Review: 7/10

Magazine References
     Computer Choiceissue 1984/Junpage 9- News/Note
     Crashissue v.1 #5-1984/Junpage 123- CompoEntry
     Crashissue v.1 #11-1984/Decpage 132- Tips
     Home Computing Weeklyissue #56-1984/Apr/3 special "week#1"page 3- News/Note
     Personal Computer Gamesissue #9-1984/Augpage 27- Feature - Here Come the Talkies!
     Personal Computer Newsissue #56-1984/Apr/7page 5- News/Note

Magazine Advertisements
     C&VG (Computer & Video Games)issue #29-1984/Marpage 66- Advert
     C&VG (Computer & Video Games)issue #30-1984/Aprpage 126- Full-page ad
     Crashissue v.1 #3-1984/Aprpage 10- Full-page ad
     Crashissue v.1 #5-1984/Junpage 40- Full-page ad
     Home Computing Weeklyissue #48-1984/Feb/7 special "week#1"page 55- Full-page ad
     Home Computing Weeklyissue #49-1984/Feb/14 special "week#2"page 2- Full-page ad
     Home Computing Weeklyissue #52-1984/Mar/6 special "week#1"page 23- Full-page ad
     Home Computing Weeklyissue #62-1984/May/15 special "week#3"page 39- Full-page ad
     Personal Computer Gamesissue #4-1984/Marpage 48- Full-page ad
     Popular Computing Weeklyissue v.3 #21-1984/May/24 special "week#4"page 18- Full-page ad
     Your Computerissue v.4 #3-1984/Marpage 119- Advert
     Your Computerissue v.4 #4-1984/Aprpage 119- Advert
     Your Computerissue v.4 #6-1984/Junpage 111- Advert
     Your Spectrumissue #2-1984/Marpage 97- Full-page ad

     MobyGames(Information - in English)
     RZX Archive(Information - in English)
     The Tipshop(Information - in English)
     UVL(Information - in English)
     Wikipedia(Information - in English)
     ZX Spectrum Reviews(Magazine Reviews)
     Spectrum 2.0(User Reviews)
     The TZX Vault(Software Preservation)
     ZX-Art(Spectrum Graphics)
     ZXInfo(ZXDB Front End)
     Every Game Going(Multi-Platform Archive)
     New World Of Spectrum(Spectrum Archive)
     Original World Of Spectrum(Spectrum Archive)
     World Of Spectrum Classic(Spectrum Archive)
     Spectrum Computing(MAIN VIEW)