Fist II: The Legend Continues
Release Date  1986
Original Publisher  Melbourne House (Australia/UK)
Min. Hardware  ZX-Spectrum 48K
Language  English
Genre  Arcade Game: Beat-em-up/Solo
Max. Players  1
Original Price  £8.95
Controls  Cursor, Interface 2 (left), Interface 2 (right), Kempston Joystick, Redefineable keys
Themes  Martial Arts
Other Platforms  Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64
Average mag. score  73.50% (6 reviews)
Martijn's WoS score  81.3% (77 votes)

     #1 - EDOS (UK)
     #2 - Erbe Software S.A. (Spain)(1986)as "Fist II: La Leyenda Continua"
     #3 - Mastertronic Plus (UK)(1989)
     * Budget price: £2.99

     Damian Watharow (Australia)at Beam Software - ?
     Bill McIntosh (Australia)at Beam Software - ?
     Steven Taylor (Australia)at Beam Software - ?
     Frank Oldham (Australia)at Beam Software - ?
     Gregg Barnett (Australia)at Beam Software - ?
     Consult Computer Systems (UK) - ?
     David John Rowe (UK) - Inlay/Poster Art

Review Awards
     "Your Sinclair Megagame"at Your Sinclairissue #15 - 1987/Marpage 83
     "ZX Computing Glob Senior"at ZX Computingissue #37 - 1987/Maypage 49

Easter Eggs
     A naked woman picture is hidden in the background of the jungle level in "combat practice" mode.

Series "Exploding Fist"
     1. The Way of the Exploding Fist(1985)by Melbourne House (Australia/UK)
     2. Fist II: The Legend Continues(1986)by Melbourne House (Australia/UK)
     3. Exploding Fist +(1988)by Firebird Software Ltd (UK)

Main File Downloads
FistII-TheLegendContinues.tap.zipOriginalZX-Spectrum 48K(???)English
FistII-TheLegendContinues.tzx.zipOriginalZX-Spectrum 48K(None)English
FistII-TheLegendContinues(MediumCase)(FistII-LaLeyendaContinua)(ErbeSoftwareS.A.) 48K(None)English - (Medium Case)
FistII-TheLegendContinues(SmallCase)(FistII-LaLeyendaContinua)(ErbeSoftwareS.A.) 48K(None)English - (Small Case)
FistII-TheLegendContinues(MastertronicPlus) 48K(None)English

Additional File Downloads
     FistII-TheLegendContinues.scr6,912OriginalLoading screen
     FistII-TheLegendContinues.gif5,347OriginalRunning screen
     FistII-TheLegendContinues.jpg404,545OriginalInlay - Front
     FistII-TheLegendContinues.jpg242,423OriginalGame map
     FistII-TheLegendContinues_2.jpg512,254OriginalGame map
     FistII-TheLegendContinues_3.png426,456OriginalGame map
     fist2.rzx0OriginalRZX playback file - Recorded by xmikex (with rollback)
     Fist II The Legend Continues (1986)(Melbourne House).pok262OriginalPOK pokes file
     FistII-TheLegendContinues(ErbeSoftwareS.A.).jpg181,583#2Inlay - Front
     FistII-TheLegendContinues(ErbeSoftwareS.A.)_2.jpg90,672#2Inlay - Front
     FistII-TheLegendContinues(MastertronicPlus).jpg531,995#3Inlay - Front
     FistII-TheLegendContinues(MastertronicPlus)_Back.jpg274,434#3Inlay - Back
     FistII-TheLegendContinues(MastertronicPlus)(MULTI-LANG).pdf239,270#3InstructionsMulti-language: English, French, German, Italian

Magazine Reviews
     C&VG (Computer & Video Games)issue #62-1986/Decpage 43- Review - not a Spectrum article
     C&VG (Computer & Video Games)issue #67-1987/Maypage 34- Review
     C&VG (Computer & Video Games)issue #98-1990/Janpage 82- Review: 85%
     Crashissue v.1 #38-1987/Marpage 100- Review: 58%
     Crashissue v.1 #45-1987/Octpage 39- Review - Crash - Run It Again
     MicroHobbyissue #117-1987/Febpage 14- Review - Nuevo
     Popular Computing Weeklyissue v.6 #7-1987/Feb/12 special "week#2"page 14- Review
     Sinclair Userissue #60-1987/Marpage 46- Review: 5/5
     Sinclair Userissue #94-1990/Janpage 56- Review: 45%
     Your Sinclairissue #15-1987/Marpage 83- Review: 9/10
     Your Sinclairissue #50-1990/Febpage 47- Review: 63%
     ZX Computingissue #37-1987/Maypage 49- Review: Groan

Magazine References
     C&VG (Computer & Video Games)issue #53-1986/Marpage 8- News/Note
     C&VG (Computer & Video Games)issue #57-1986/Julpage 11- News/Note
     C&VG (Computer & Video Games)issue #59-1986/Seppage 9- News/Note
     C&VG (Computer & Video Games)issue #60-1986/Octpage 10- News/Note
     C&VG (Computer & Video Games)issue #60-1986/Octpage 16- CompoEntry
     C&VG (Computer & Video Games)issue #60-1986/Octpage 18- Preview
     C&VG (Computer & Video Games)issue #60-1986/Octpage 66- Poster
     Computer Gamerissue #18-1986/Seppage 8- News/Note
     Crashissue v.1 #30-1986/Julpage 106- News/Note
     Crashissue v.1 #34-1986/Novpage 160- Preview
     Crashissue v.1 #39-1987/Aprpage 67- Solution
     MicroHobbyissue #129-1987/Maypage 26- Feature - Justicieros
     MicroHobbyissue #144-1987/Seppage 29- Tips - Tokes
     MicroHobbyissue #160-1988/Janpage 31- Tips - Tokes
     MicroHobbyissue #169-1988/Maypage 69- Tips - Tokes
     Popular Computing Weeklyissue v.5 #30-1986/Jul/24 special "week#4"page 5- News/Note
     Popular Computing Weeklyissue v.5 #36-1986/Sep/4 special "week#1"page 21- Preview
     Sinclair Userissue #52-1986/Julpage 91- Preview
     Sinclair Userissue #55-1986/Octpage 104- Preview
     Sinclair Userissue #60-1987/Mar supplement "Good Map Guide 1987"page 8- Map
     Sinclair Userissue #61-1987/Aprpage 19- Hack/Poke
     YS Smash Tipsissue 1988/Augpage 60- Hack/Poke
     Your Computerissue v.6 #10-1986/Octpage 19- News/Note
     Your Sinclairissue #11-1986/Novpage 9- Preview
     Your Sinclairissue #14-1987/Febpage 10- Preview
     Your Sinclairissue #16-1987/Aprpage 54- Map
     Your Sinclairissue #16-1987/Aprpage 69- CompoEntry
     Your Sinclairissue #17-1987/Maypage 11- Letters
     Your Sinclairissue #17-1987/Maypage 24- Solution
     Your Sinclairissue #18-1987/Junpage 32- Solution
     Your Sinclairissue #23-1987/Novpage 57- CompoResult
     ZX Computingissue #29-1986/Seppage 5- News/Note

Magazine Advertisements
     C&VG (Computer & Video Games)issue #58-1986/Augpage 25- Advert
     C&VG (Computer & Video Games)issue #58-1986/Augpage 75- Advert
     C&VG (Computer & Video Games)issue #58-1986/Augpage 95- Full-page ad
     C&VG (Computer & Video Games)issue #59-1986/Seppage 7- Full-page ad
     Crashissue v.1 #32-1986/Seppage 75- Advert
     Crashissue v.1 #32-1986/Seppage 93- Advert
     Crashissue v.1 #33-1986/Octpage 61- Full-page ad
     Crashissue v.1 #35-1986/Decpage 101- Full-page ad
     Popular Computing Weeklyissue v.5 #26-1986/Jun/26 special "week#4"page 11- Advert
     Popular Computing Weeklyissue v.5 #26-1986/Jun/26 special "week#4"page 15- Advert
     Popular Computing Weeklyissue v.5 #26-1986/Jun/26 special "week#4"page 33- Advert
     Popular Computing Weeklyissue v.5 #26-1986/Jun/26 special "week#4"page 45- Advert
     Sinclair Userissue #55-1986/Octpage 64- Full-page ad
     Your Sinclairissue #12-1986/Decpage 30- Full-page ad

     MobyGames(Information - in English)
     RZX Archive(Information - in English)
     RZX Archive - YouTube(Information - in English)
     Speccy Screenshot Maps(Information - in English)
     The Tipshop(Information - in English)
     UVL(Information - in English)
     ZX Spectrum Reviews(Magazine Reviews)
     Spectrum 2.0(User Reviews)
     The TZX Vault(Software Preservation)
     ZX-Art(Spectrum Graphics)
     ZXInfo(ZXDB Front End)
     Every Game Going(Multi-Platform Archive)
     New World Of Spectrum(Spectrum Archive)
     Original World Of Spectrum(Spectrum Archive)
     World Of Spectrum Classic(Spectrum Archive)
     Spectrum Computing(MAIN VIEW)