
Reviews for Wrath of the Killer Pigs (#10706)

Review by The Dean of Games on 10 Nov 2012 (Rating: 3)

1985 Krypton Force (UK)
by Richard Huddy aka Fatman

I think the crazy title gets everyone excited, but just for awhile.
It's just another shoot em up with a different look and a few features. It's kinda a fun, but the problem is the game plays too fast, our enemies are too small, and our fire is hard to see and also moves too damn fast, making the reflex feature with almost no use at all. It's still a nice game to play, additive and not hard, but with a little more temper it would be greater.

Review by dandyboy on 10 Nov 2012 (Rating: 3)

I dunno how to take this ... the idea behind Killer Pigs is good and pretty original , but the implementation leaves much to be desired !! :(

The shooting is so fast you can hardly aim at the enemy ... so what´s the point ??

The idea of the bar going up and down seems very original and pretty cool to me . If only you could change the angle of your shooting it would be such an improvement !! ;-)

2,5 out of 5 .

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 12 Nov 2014 (Rating: 1)

"Very strange!" as The Pigles sing in Piggy Lane. But it's just a terrible Jeff Minter inspired shoot'em up, with animals, lunacy and a bad combination of control keys.

[The bar thing is already present in Minter's Metagalactic Llamas Battle At The Edge Of Time or something]