
Reviews for Dogsbody (#1422)

Review by The Dean of Games on 08 Aug 2012 (Rating: 3)

1985 Bug Byte Software (UK)
by Steven Monks

Despite being inspired in two of the most popular games ever written, Pac-Man and Boulder Dash, this wasn't an easy game to like.
The graphics are pleasant with some nice nasties but I really dislike our main character, which is too blocky for my taste.
Now the major problem with the game is that if you get stuck between boulders or plants you have the restart the game all over again. That would be fine if the game was divided in levels, but it is not! You only get one big maze, and if you make the wrong move... restart.
This doesn't mean the game isn't playable or unfinishable, it only means you have to be incredibly patient and careful if you want to get anywhere in it.

Review by Alessandro Grussu on 30 Oct 2012 (Rating: 1)

Bad, boring and utterly pointless budget game inspired by Boulder Dash but completely lacking the charm and finesse of that historical title. No redeeming features at all are present in Dogsbody to save it from oblivion.

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 12 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

A colourful variation of the Boulder Dash concept, only harder. I don't understand how I should avoid the nasties. Boulders doesn't seem movable, only "fallable". Strange flowers grow.
The "facial expression" of your dog when it runs is hilarious.

Review by Jordy on 20 Nov 2014 (Rating: 1)

It's Boulder Dash with puppies and it's very bad. The level layout is extremely confusing and the enemies follow you all the time, thus you'll lose all your lives very quickly. Plus getting trapped with nowhere to progress and forcing a restart is so frustrating. A good idea when you look at it, but it's simply horrible to play.

Review by YOR on 15 Apr 2018 (Rating: 2)

This is a weird one. It's a Boulder Dash clone featuring puppies and you have to rescue them from captivity from Doc Dogmush who is on holiday, which already makes no sense, how can you have a game featuring a baddie who isn't even present? The game itself is almost unplayable as the enemies quickly become attached to you and follow you till you die. And like Boulder Dash rocks are your ally, except you can't move them so how much help they will be is a matter of luck I guess. It's not a horrible game by any means, it's just not very good.