
Reviews for Duet (#1534)

Review by The Dean of Games on 01 Jan 2013 (Rating: 3)

1987 Elite Systems (UK)
by Dan Hartley, Tony Samuels, Stevie Beverly and Ste Pickford

Aka 'Commando 87'.
I not sure if this game was meant as a sequel to 'Commando' but thankfully it got a different name because I would have bought it and would have hated it.
It's not by any means a bad game, but how could this compete with the Glauntet we played in the arcades or the speccy version? Hardly any kid would settle for second best. There is a lack of variety in the game. Meaning the enemies all look alike, the background color is always the same, and every levels mission is basically the same. Not to mention the war theme chosen for this Gauntlet clone which doesn't work as does 'Into the eagles Nest', for example. For this and more the original Gauntlet will always be more appealing.

Review by Rebelstar Without a Cause on 07 Nov 2013 (Rating: 3)

So duet, could this be the precursor to those awful sing star games that were popular a few years back?
Well no actually, as it turns out this is a Gauntlet clone and a pretty average one at that.

Review by dandyboy on 07 Nov 2013 (Rating: 1)

Commando´s poor relative !

Pretty awful indeed ...

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 14 Jun 2017 (Rating: 3)

Superficially a sequel of Commando for two simultaneous players, substantially a Gauntlet clone, with small, ugly, sketchy sprites and graphics - but not unplayable. Released in the 6-Hit-Pak compilation along Great Gurianos and others.

Review by dm_boozefreek on 01 Jan 2018 (Rating: 2)

Treasure 100 points! Eat Food to Gain Health! Shots now hurt other players!......Oh no hang on that was Gauntlet wasn't it?

Duet is a rubbish Gauntlet clone with crap looking army men instead of monsters, and ludicrously touted as a pseudo-sequel to Commando. Glad it wasn't officially released as Commando '87, as I'm sure that would've left a very sour taste in a lot of peoples mouths.

A poor game that was already surpassed before it was even released.


Review by YOR on 07 Feb 2021 (Rating: 2)

So this is a planned Commando sequel that was to play like Gauntlet. Why? Well it's not a patch on Commando and it's not a patch on Gauntlet, so whatever they were trying to achieve with this one they failed on all accounts. And before this game out on a compilation how much were they planning to sell this for? 8 quid? This has budget price £1.99 written all over it and even then you would have felt pretty ripped off after playing this.