
Reviews for Escape (#1645)

Review by p13z on 09 Jul 2010 (Rating: 4)

One of the best games around at the time for the 16k Spectrum.
The game is simple. Find a hidden axe in a simple maze, so you can get to the exit door and chop your way out. The only complication is the dinosaurs, who do their best to track you down and eat you along the way.

Review by The Dean of Games on 28 Sep 2012 (Rating: 3)

1982 New Generation Software (UK)
by Malcolm Evans

This little game shows how clever your mind can be in altering reality. With just a few dinosaurs, a simple randomly generated maze and a stick figure, you could transport yourself to the pre-historic times.

'Escape' shows how games looked like in the dawn of times, and how cute and wonderful they could be without the use of explicit violence and complex graphics.
Just take a look at Pac-man, people still play it to this day and it continuous to be release in almost all systems!

For me, 1983 to 1985 were the golden years of the Speccy era, with a few exceptions here and there, like 1982's 'Escape'. And those were genuinely good times.

It's a pity that you can choose the level in which to start, which diminishes the games interest, but besides that, this is a delightful little game.

Review by dandyboy on 28 Sep 2012 (Rating: 3)

This game is simple but cool . I mean ,,, as far as retro-games go , Escape is quite decent .

The plot just couldn´t be cooler : you are lost in the middle of a labyrinth surrounded by a plethora of prehistoric animals of every shape and size that chase you and you must pick a lost axe -which you do not see at first instance- before escaping the doomed labyrinth leaving all its horrors behind .

Once you reach the goal -escaping the labyrinth- the game lost all of its appeal , so it´s got almost no replay value . :(

On its benefit , the game has a vintage look that adds some charm into it ,,, ideal for nostalgic Spectrum fans , like myself .

2,5 out of 5 .

Review by Stack on 01 Oct 2013 (Rating: 2)

I got quite a nostalgic buzz plaing this again after so many years. Escape shows how to make the absolute most of very little - the tiny characters have character, the game has ablend of charm and tension.
The footstep sound,the partially obscured view, the movements of the dinosaurs and the slow down caused by holding the axe all make you really anxious to escape.
A lovely touch is the option to save the game with your high score intact. I think I may have actually done this back in the day.
I got a good buzz from playing this, even though I think I knew back in 1982 or 3 that Escape wouldn't hold anyone's attention for long.
Cursor keys are also a personal bugbear, though perhaps these do add to the tension!

Review by YOR on 20 Jan 2018 (Rating: 2)

I found this to be a bore as all it is is running endlessly around a maze looking for an axe and when you do it just increases your chances of being killed. Not for me.

Review by Juan F. Ramirez on 06 Apr 2021 (Rating: 3)

An interesting 16k game from 1982, with a game concept as simple as escape from a maze full of dinosaurs and other prehistorik monsters with the help of an axe that you must find first.

It features a very successful false-3D perspective, very original in the year it came out.

An old, true hidden-gem for the Spectrum.