
Reviews for Granja (#2122)

Review by dandyboy on 05 Dec 2011 (Rating: 3)

A little funny piece of Spanish software credited to Microhobby Press which main title should be translated as The Farm.

This game is fun for a while ... try to insert the keys into the keyholes, avoid the angry-pinky swines with the help of some killing tomatoes.

As surreal as it may sound this is the plot of Granja.

The pigs are wild and they love the taste of human meat so you are in a bit of a mess.

Not a bad game if you take it for what it is ... sheer entertainment without higher pretentions.

Review by Juan F. Ramirez on 05 Sep 2015 (Rating: 3)

We can define this game as 'Pengo meets Orwell'. You're a farmer and get into the pigsty to feed your pigs, but suddenly you are trapped inside. No problem, just put the keys in the locks to get out, but today you're unlucky as pigs have rebelled and dropped all the tomatoes you had collected, so the only thing you can do is throw tomatoes to the pigs to scare them away and push the keys into the locks.

A really funny game, an example of how much fun we can get with a simple BASIC program.

Review by The Dean of Games on 15 Sep 2015 (Rating: 3)

Cute game.
You can do fun things in BASIC as well.