
Reviews for Gutz (#2189)

Review by Alessandro Grussu on 07 Jan 2012 (Rating: 3)

Trapped inside a giant alien's body (I wonder how did you end up there in the first place...), your only hope to escape is to find three pieces of a large weapon scattered along each of the four levels and use it to destroy its kidneys, lungs, heart and brain. On each stage you must also use different weapons to kill the nasty hosts roaming around.

It is one of the weakest Special FX games in my opinion - average graphics and sound, pretty repetitive gameplay. Not awful, but not great either.

Review by The Dean of Games on 27 Mar 2014 (Rating: 3)

1988 Ocean Software (UK)
by James Bagley, Charles Davies and Keith Tinman

Special FX's team did great games, Gutz in no exception, but not their best achievement either.
You start the game in a maze, supposedly in some aliens guts. So you should enjoy the ride, 'cause it wont come to often. But au contraire to Fantastic Voyage, not only you travel monochromatic, but also the sights are not that good.
Well, maybe Aliens only look good from the outside (I wonder if Angelina Jolie isn't an alien. Mmmh, a tought to consider). To me the game got rapidly boring just because of that.
You are not alone, you have to deal with a lot of nasties, which seem to have come out of 1983's Tutankhamun's just to play catch with you.
The games objective is to find three pieces of a powerful weapon in order to destroy the alien's insides and save the day.
There is a nice side scrolling sub level that connects the different areas of the maze. It's build up of ribs or something and it's hidden somewhere on the fleshy walls.
Entertaining but not for long. It's not one of those games I feel the urge to complete. Good fun though, for the mapping addicts.

Review by YOR on 30 Mar 2014 (Rating: 2)

There's not a lot to say about this game other than it's quite poor and very disappointing, great title music to start off, then nothing, it's like a book has a great cover but no words, that's how I like to describe Gutz.

Review by dandyboy on 30 Mar 2014 (Rating: 2)

A very original plot spoiled by ugly graphics ! ! !

OCEAN misses the point once again .

2,5 out of 5 .

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 02 Dec 2017 (Rating: 3)

Sci fi maze game with a slight 3d view filled with annoying little monsters, and with side scrolling cave section connecting the various mazes. Lots of shooting. Not a great game, really. Very good music though.


Review by Darko on 24 Feb 2019 (Rating: 2)

Was really disappointed with this. Special FX done a number of excellent games for Ocean but this isn't close to being one of them.