
Reviews for Human Killing Machine (#2375)

Review by dandyboy on 29 Mar 2012 (Rating: 3)

HKM or Human Killing Machine is like a successor to Street Fighter -the famous arcade- and it stands quite well on its own , in my opinion .

The graphic aspect of the game may not be spectacular and the colors seem rather poor not to say they´re inexistent , but the game is still playable .

Although I don´t enjoy very much the violent aspect of the game , the exotic scenarios give this fight arcade a plus .

Review by Raphie on 18 Jul 2013 (Rating: 2)

Remember Street Fighter? Well before the sequel of all sequels that changed the face of fighting games forever there was a sister game to Street Fighter, in otherwords it was recycled by Tiertex into a new game called Human Killing Machine, which is pretty much the same as Street Fighter only more rubbish! There's the same moves, no scrolling and a weird selection of enemies including a dog and I believe you fight a bull as well! How bizarre indeed!

So in simplistic terms it’s the rubbish Street Fighter port made even more rubbish! Well done Tiertex! Again!

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 27 Nov 2017 (Rating: 3)

Mediocre full price one on one beat'em up, but some fun can be squeezed out of it. For example, I like constantly changing the colour of the monochrome graphics while playing.


Review by dm_boozefreek on 30 Oct 2018 (Rating: 2)

You are Kwon! Kwon is Strong!

Load of crap!

Take Street Fighter, buy the game engine code for a fiver from Go! Cut the backgrounds down to a static screen, instead of scrolling, and make them really stereotypical. Then take Street Fighters usual racially stereotyped characters, and make them even worse, and you're getting close to this games end goal.

Keep the exact same move set from the game you used the code from for the main character. Make the characters you're fighting do massive amounts of damage compared to your attacks, and make it so you have to beat them 5 times each, and you have a long drawn out piss poor clone of a game that wasn't that great in the first place.

Fight a Russian dog called "Shepski", fight a German prostitute who's built like a brick shithouse called "Helga", fight a Matador called "Miguel", then to top it off end the game with a Syrian called Sagan who has a rocket launcher strapped to his back, but only has about 6 frames of animation, and practically kills you with 1 hit.

Pure win! By which I mean the complete opposite.

Always thought this game looked good way back when, glad I never got it, I'd have cried.