
Reviews for Sid Spanners 2: The Slackening (#25461)

Review by ZX KNIGHT on 05 Apr 2012 (Rating: 3)

Sid Spanners 2: The Slackening is the second game in the Sid Spanners series by Digital Prawn, which has quickly expanded to four games in the series in less than two years. Like the other Sid Spanners games it follows a very basic Manic Miner formula.

With that in mind, there’s little to be said about the game that isn’t obvious just from looking at a screenshot. The level design is thoughtfully done and the overall presentation of the game is good. It’s worth checking out if you’re a fan of the Manic Miner series, but it doesn’t play as fluently as Manic Miner or other series of the genre such as Egghead. However, for fans of the genre the Sid Spanners games are worth checking out.

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Review by dandyboy on 06 Apr 2012 (Rating: 3)

A Manic Miner clone ... and a decent one shall I say but , still , very , very far away from the sheer brilliance of the original .

Although Sid Spanners 2 is not a bad try at emulating Manic Miner I´d still choose Manic Miner a million times over Sid Spanners 2 . :(