
Reviews for It's the Wooluf! (#2560)

Review by Rebelstar Without a Cause on 31 Aug 2013 (Rating: 3)

Guide the sheep into the pen without them getting eaten by the wolf or falling in the river. I can say quite honestly say that this is the best sheep herding game I have ever played.

Review by The Dean of Games on 31 Aug 2013 (Rating: 3)

1984 Crystal Computing (UK)
by Martin Bullar

There are quite a few sheep herding games around, mostly released before 1985. I not quite sure why they became so popular, 'cause they were mainly written in Basic and quite limited in variety. It's a Wooluf brings nothing new to virtual herding, but at least looks prettier and plays a lot better than any I've seen so far, mainly because it's written in machine code. Also the sprites are very cute and I find the presentation quite original and fun.
A pity the Interface 2 type keys, up/down, are swapped.

Review by dandyboy on 31 Aug 2013 (Rating: 2)

A bit primitive , but not totally bad ,,, in which other videogame you play the role of a sheperd dog ? ? ?

2 / 5 .

Review by p13z on 03 Sep 2013 (Rating: 3)

I had quite a bit of fun playing this for a while. You play the sheepdog, and have to herd your flock into their pen, keeping them safe from the river and the wolves.
The game is from 1984, and looks its age, in a good way. The game graphics are very crude, with occasional nasty colour clash. There are some nice touches to the overall presentation, and the simple tiny sprites have real character. Those few pixels really do look like a collie dog.
I was tempted to give this 4/5, I would if the game graphics were a bit tidier, or the choice of key controls wasn't so terrible. Worth checking out for its classic nostalgia appeal, also for the style of gameplay.

Review by Stack on 12 Sep 2013 (Rating: 2)

Cute sprites and nostalgic gameplay arn't enough... I remember seeing those adverts from Crystal Computing where this type of game was announced as if the next big thing had finally arrived - and sure enough when I checked this single screen sheep herding game was offered up as something to trust and buy because they'd made Halls of the Things and Invasion of the Body Snatchas.

Two Crystal 'hallmarks' also seem intact, NM keys for up and down and eerily silent gameplay (for a game where bleats and death screams would seem an obvious addition.)

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 25 Mar 2014 (Rating: 3)

by Martin Bullar

You're a sheperd dog and you must take safely a herd of sheep through the woods to their enclosure, avoidin the "wooluf". It's a pretty unique scenario, and so it's a game that can count on the fact that it doesn't have any direct opponent, and so in spite of the far from spectacular production, it mantains a certain attractiveness and fascination, even because of the associations with dark fairy tales.