
Reviews for Jackal (#2567)

Review by psj3809 on 01 Aug 2008 (Rating: 1)

Loved this game in the arcades, hated it on the Speccy. Just shoddy, terrible conversion, pathetic graphics, bad gameplay, terrible

Review by Alessandro Grussu on 16 Jun 2011 (Rating: 3)

Surely this is not the game you would show other people to make them aware of what you can technically achieve with a Spectrum, but despite sketchy (if colourful) graphics and almost no sound, it's a fun run-and-shoot game, and not an easy one to boot. Enemies will come to you like flies and you will also have to negotiate some very nasty turret emplacements. A passable conversion from the coin-op, but not a bad game in itself.

Review by The Dean of Games on 30 Jan 2012 (Rating: 2)

1987 Konami (UK)
by David Whitehouse, Adrian Carless and Stephen Lockley

This is a game I completely erased from my memories, I have almost no recollection of it. And no wonder why, its crap!
Clumsy graphics, they seem to have been made at a first attempt. Look how the men run!
Almost absolutely no sound, was it so hard to come up with a shot sound? A bleep at least?!
And talk about frustrating playability, specially after dealing with games such as Commando, Rambo, Who Dares Wins II or Green Beret, this was just painful.

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 14 Jul 2017 (Rating: 3)

It's Commando on a jeep, and with a bit of lateral scrolling, but not as good. Still, it's not unplayable.