
Reviews for SHUTTLEBUG (#27962)

Review by Rebelstar Without a Cause on 07 Nov 2013 (Rating: 5)

Old school maze game which is more fun than it has any right to be.

Review by dandyboy on 07 Nov 2013 (Rating: 5)

Excellent stuff reminding me of the good old days of the Speccy ... !!!

Charming , addictive and highly playable ...

Review by Stack on 07 Nov 2013 (Rating: 4)

Shouty title from the International treasure of World of Spectrum Dave R-Tape, SHUTTLEBUG is a little unappetising by looks alone but on inspection is richly enrobed in a roux sauce of humour and playability. It is the cauliflower cheese of Spectrum gaming, delicious and satisfying. But just when you think you have finally outmanouevred the Sunday afternoon SHUTTLEBUG inertia along comes a fearsome Gronk blobbing his way between you and a well deserved mow.

SHUTTLEBUG is a wonderful step back to an era when the Metro was a car, Gary Numan sang about Cars and Top Gear was carp. This game is far from carp, though it may drive you round the block.

Thank you R Tape

Review by The Dean of Games on 08 Nov 2013 (Rating: 4)

2012 Stonechat Productions (UK)
by Dave Hughes

Incredibly addictive game. Despite it's simplicity, the game is very well written and is highly engaging. Also features a great variety of levels, which is always a good thing in this sort of games.
I only got to level 10 after more than an hour playing it. It's freeware but it would be worth the purchase if it was on sale.

Review by YOR on 13 Jun 2018 (Rating: 4)

This game is quite well received within the Spectrum community and I hoped that this miserable git would join them, and thankfully I can. This is very playable and enjoyable, it's simple to get into and good fun. It's a game I would find myself playing for a while without any regrets. I would have happily paid money for this if was released during the Speccy's heyday.