
Reviews for Mad Mix 2 (#2966)

Review by Stack on 29 Jul 2013 (Rating: 4)

Its a 'Pacmania' variant, but it does differ considerably from its inspriration, sometimes for better, sometimes worse.

There are 9 large levels to clear and they are full of variety and a number of methods to get your own back on the various cute enemies including ghosts, skeletons, mummies, dracula and frankenstein. You can roll balls at them, flatten them with rollers, grab a power pill or even cork their nasty holes (!)

I played this game right through to the last level, saving at each level completion becuase it takes a bit too much time to play through.

Nice game generally.

Level 9 (the top level) was so frustrating as it amalgamated many of Mad Mix's faults - pills you bounce out of the graound but where timing errs on fussy, badly designed mazes where your not always sure where you can turn and where you can't etc.

In other words it isn't all thought through perfectly, but its still a playable game.

The main criticism though is the random AI. There's no sense of being chased here, just chanced upon by some of the hoard of enemies, and so no sense of power pill reversal of fortunes.

Some lovely graphical touches indicate that a considerable level of fine tuning and effort was put into making Mad Mix 2

Review by dandyboy on 29 Jul 2013 (Rating: 4)

3-dimensional Pac-Man with a maddening tune and monochrome colors ... where have I seen this before ??