
Reviews for Mikie (#3198)

Review by Stack on 07 Feb 2009 (Rating: 4)

The Konami coin-op seemed influenced by a Benny Hill brand of comedy as the teachers, janitors and chefs caper after Mikie as Mikie colects hearts through five different school scenes linked by connecting corridors.The first teacher even has giant false teeth to chuck at Mikie. A love story, the risks Mikie takes are all to get to give his girl a playground kiss. After these levels the game wraps around but is harder.
This camp kissy comedy was a perfect vehicle for arcade maestro Jonathan Smith who delivered a great conversion to the Spectrum. It can be frustratingly hard to get past the janitor in those corridors though.
This game comes truly alive in high score competition and the Internet currently allows you to do so at

Review by The Dean of Games on 03 Jun 2011 (Rating: 5)

1985 Imagine (UK)
by Jonathan Smith, Martin Galway and F.D.Thorpe

In this colourful game, you play the role of a schoolboy called Mikie, he has decided to take a message to his girlfriend (and possibly followed by a massage, I'm just guessing!).
To do so Mikie has to go thru 5 different zones: the classroom,
the locker room, the canteen, the gymnasium and the schoolyard.
He has to collect all the hearts on each screen, which represent a letter for his message, so he can move on to the next.
Mikie is one of my all time favorites. It's a game full of action, colour and fun moments.
Another great conversion from Jonathan M. Smith.

Review by Rebelstar Without a Cause on 03 Aug 2013 (Rating: 4)

Another excellent arcade conversion by Jonathan Smith. It's a bit on the tricky side but it's so much fun you won't even care.

Review by dandyboy on 03 Aug 2013 (Rating: 4)

So far so good ...

A sort of Skool Daze variation !!

Review by Juan F. Ramirez on 17 May 2021 (Rating: 4)

Great conversion from the Konami arcade classic by Joffa Smith and Martin Galway.

Collect hearts through different school rooms while avoiding the teacher, the maniac janitor or the chef.

Frenetic (literally) action with a high difficulty level.