
Reviews for Mutan Zone (#3335)

Review by Morkin on 26 Jan 2012 (Rating: 2)

First things first. Mutan Zone is a game completely devoid of any sort of learning curve. Unless you enjoy dying rapidly and averaging sub-10-second survival periods, AVOID..!!

Secondly, if you don't read the instructions, you have absolutely zero chance of getting anywhere and will probably be playing this game for less than 5 minutes.

To be fair, just for those greater beings out there, once you've (a) figured out the point of the menu game (or worked out that there is a game and get good at it), (b) generally suss out what's going on with the radar and (c) regularly complete Army Moves with your eyes closed on one life, you might just get on OK. But for us mere mortals, the frustratingly unresponsive controls and continuous death will merely serve to drive you up the wall.

Review by judasezt on 03 Feb 2012 (Rating: 3)

Spanish games are hard. This one is a hell!

Its from the same programmer from Spanish 8-bit classic "Livingstone, I Presume" ( more on classic on Amstrad CPC than on Spectrum ).
The fact of being from the same programmer its noted in that it gameplay is very similar, just with scroll.

The game bears with the usual overworked graphics and lack of optimization of spanish 8-bit games.
It moves jerky and unresponsive. Which prevent the game of being as funny as it could have been.

Anyway, for hardcore gamers.. read carefully the instructions and keyboard controls; discover the methods to enable checkpoints and earn extralives in minigames from menu sections...
if you do that,.. you´ll be able to enjoy this game.

Review by The Dean of Games on 03 Feb 2012 (Rating: 2)

1989 Opera Soft (Spain)
by Jose Ortega

A cute game destroyed by being extremely difficult and with lack of control response.
It seems that almost all spanish games suffer from the same. Or maybe the same mutations of the plot messed up the game as they did with the name.