
Reviews for O.K. Yah! (#3499)

Review by Alessandro Grussu on 22 Jan 2012 (Rating: 1)

For some strange reason somebody at Pirate Software thought about programming a videogame involving yuppies flying on rocket-propelled surf boards and shooting nondescript objects.

The result is a boring and frustrating shoot-em-up which is notable for an insane level of difficulty - contact with everything is fatal, even clouds! - and a tiresome tune playing in the background, together with a digitized voice saying "OK Yah!" every time you start playing and after losing a life. By the fourth time you hear it you will be probably reaching for the volume controls in order not to let it torture your ears anymore.

Maybe worth looking as a bizarre product of an '80s (now thankfully deceased and buried) subculture, but nothing more.

Review by Jay Misterio on 19 Jan 2014 (Rating: 1)

O.K. YAH! No not really, more like oh dear me.

O.K. Yah is a shooter where you control a person identified as a "yuppie" on what looks like a skateboard, only jet-powered rather than on wheels. You fly across the screen shooting what appears to look like cans of something and you do so with your hand I believe as he doesn't appear to be holding anything, the hand is shaped like a gun though so maybe I'm missing a trick.

As well as this you must avoid contact with clouds as they kill you, and so too do the explosions of the "enemies" you shoot at, because even though you've shot them their sprite is still there until it's completely disappeared, you can't go through it, even in smithereens it still harms you. So if you think shooting them gives you a clear path you'll be mistaken as you still have to stay away from them even when they are in bits. I suppose that is realistic as you do not want to be near an exploding item, but it is so annoying that you die constantly AFTER shooting the enemy. And since when were clouds fatal?

The game's graphics aren't the best but they aren't bad. I like the look of the yuppie, I don't know why, I just do for some reason. The game's music is short and repeats so it will get on your nerves quite easily. It also has some speech in it, the "O.K. Yah" I referenced at the start of this review. It's quite clear compared to other uses of speech but again it is very repetitive and this too will get on your nerves.

But the one thing that'll get on your nevers the most is the gameplay. It's far too difficult, not only do you have to avoid clouds but avoid the enemies after shooting them, you end up having to do more avoiding than shooting and that won't save your lives either.

I wish this was a novelty game that I can enjoy for a short time before I get bored, but it's not. O.K. Yah is one of the most frustrating games I've ever played and it left me very unsatisfied.

Review by YOR on 19 Jan 2014 (Rating: 1)

What in the heck is with this game? Crazy concept, suppose you can't blame the author for attempting something new, but the gameplay is horrific. Nevermind touch the explosion as Jay states but touch any portion of its aftermath and you're a goner. Clouds kill too. I give up. What a shambles.

Review by p13z on 20 Jan 2014 (Rating: 1)

OK, yah, I have found the most annoying game in the archive.
A smooth but lame scrolling shooter with a 'really amusing' eighties theme. Funny for the 20 seconds that your first game will last, descending into pure annoyance.
It was only a budget release, but for 1988 this would barely pass as a covertape filler.

Review by The Dean of Games on 27 Mar 2014 (Rating: 2)

1988 Pirate Software (UK)
by Mark Rivers

Maybe with a more friendly player difficulty this game could earn a few followers. It's basically a side scrolling shot 'em up, with a guy on a something board, shooting enemies and avoiding any solid, liquid or gaseous objects. Don't go hitting any clouds or even the far horizon sun, and specially the enemies explosions, or you'll end up with a big headache. Unless of course, you want to be called the Silver Sufferer. A strange planet indeed.

Review by Jordy on 06 Nov 2014 (Rating: 1)

This game isn't well received by other reviewers here or with World of Spectrum users, and it doesn't take long too discover why that is the case. Wow this sucks! I have so far found it impossible to last more than 20 seconds per life. Why do the objects kill you after you've shot them? Why are clouds so harmful? Why does it take him so long to move around the screen? I don't know what else to say other than this is terrible.

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 15 Nov 2017 (Rating: 2)

You're riding a flying skateboard or something through the summer night (I don't know if it's summer), shooting at stuff that could be books (you don't want to study), cans of something or I don't know what - just don't stumble on the clouds (or on the sun)!

You die very fast, and a sampled voice shots "Ok yah!", but the game is not very ok nor very yeah.


Review by Darko on 12 Mar 2019 (Rating: 1)

Horrible, horrible game. Even at £1.99 this would have been a waste.