
Reviews for The Prize (#3885)

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 26 Mar 2014 (Rating: 3)

by ?

Standard maze game in which you stroll around in your spaceship among flashing walls, shooting stupid aliens shooting blindly in turn. The maze is, I think, piled up on three levels, and for to enter the next level you have to find 5 codes, in the right order. The aim is to reach the innermost room of the maze and discover its secret, the prize is 5000£ that Arcadia Software is still keeping for you for sure. Hurry up! Trite, but decent.

Review by Jordy on 05 Nov 2014 (Rating: 3)

Well it's fast I'll give it that and it can be quite fun too but while I'm all for respawning at the same point you died rather than all the way at the beginning again, here it is a hindrance. You can die at the moving walls and then you respawn at the moving walls again, exactly at the same point which you died, meaning you can get stuck and lose all your lives at the one spot. So it's quite a nuisance but it's not all bad.