
Reviews for Strangeloop (#4926)

Review by Matt_B on 11 Sep 2009 (Rating: 4)

After a selection of generally unmemorable early releases, Virgin games relaunched their brand on the Spectrum with a much stronger game from Charles Goodwin, who had previously worked on Valhalla.

It's a sprawling arcade adventure with 240 rooms, about the same size as Ultimate's Sabre Wulf, but set in a futuristic factory; airless, with low gravity, and inhabited by a mixture of wacky robots most of which will try to kill you. Starting off with just a gun and space suit, your first objective is to pick up a nearby scooter that'll enable you to move around more freely. From then on, it's off to the master control room to shut the place down, but not before you've solved a few puzzles to pick up more equipment vital to the mission.

Graphically, the game is a riot with nice colourful graphics for its time, but that's obviously dated by massive amounts of colour clash and some noticeable flicker.

Despite some decidedly unfriendly collision detection, the game is pretty good fun to play and, although I never quite managed to complete it, I had fun exploring the factory, finding special locations and solving most of the puzzles.

All in all, a pretty good game, despite its flaws.

Review by dandyboy on 19 May 2013 (Rating: 4)

These are the sort of games I like : imaginative and varied so that you can get lost in them !!

Not a classic but nearly !