
Reviews for Legend (#6571)

Review by Necros on 17 Aug 2009 (Rating: 3)

I'm not sure if I should review this game yet since I haven't played it properly yet but it looks interesting and may be worth persevering with. Reading the book beforehand seems to be necessary as the answer to several puzzles are found inside it e.g. the daughter's name you have to enter at the start (Nessa, by the way). Unfortunately I haven't gotten around to reading it yet so I haven't advanced very far in the game. There are also a couple of logic and maths- based puzzles thrown in (building the bridge for example) and I'm far too tired to even think about them now. :)

I do intend reading the book and I am definitely interested in giving it another go once I've finished it, and will do a proper review then too.

It does look good though.