
Reviews for Bronx (#714)

Review by Stack on 06 Nov 2013 (Rating: 2)

Routine beat em up, plus points for the outrageous ambition with colour and nicely sized and animated sprites, as well as good intro and in game music.

Minus points, little surprise, misbalanced gameplay that causes you to find a move that connects and repeat it endlessly in order to wear your opponent down. Trying clever combos doesn't pay off at all. Responses are sluggish and the result is immobility whilst your opponent lands blows.

Sound FX are dull thuds - why so few BEU's after WOTEF picked up on its crisp fx I don't know.

Poor game for 1990, worth a play to see the second opponent, a really camp mincer called Sheman.

Review by dandyboy on 06 Nov 2013 (Rating: 2)

Big and colorful graphics , excellent music but pretty rough and limited movements ... this aspect spoils an , otherwise , decent Spanish production .

2 / 5 .

Review by YOR on 02 Jun 2021 (Rating: 2)

Another Spanish game and this time it's one I am at least aware of. It's a fighting game and one that serves as overly ambitious especially in the graphics department but ultimately looks and feels more sluggish and clumsy. The attribute leakage from the sprites is quite nasty and the fighting is not pleasant. You have a weapon that's useless, collision detection is seemingly random and your opponent can score points by hitting you on the head even when you're crouching down, how the hell does that work? In the end the best possible way I found to progress was not with combos or head shots or using my pathetically pointless weapon, but rather progression was achieved by repeatedly hitting my opponent in the nuts, that alone says it all really. It's not a terrible game and it's not deserving of a 1 because it's not Karateka bad, but it is a weak and clumsy beat em up that was big is presentation but minute in delivery.